Operating Costs Metrics

Metric Name Description Example Reports with Metric

Cost of Goods Sold

Cost of goods amount for all menu items sold. Use one of the options below to configure the Cost of Goods Sold value:
  • As a fixed amount in the POS menu item configuration.

  • As a fixed amount for the menu item master item in Reporting and Analytics. See Configuring Master Items for more details.

  • As a fixed percentage value in Reporting and Analytics. See Configuring Automatic Alignment Rules to set a Standard Food Cost %.

  • To be calculated by Oracle MICROS Inventory Management.

On some reports this metrics is referred to as:
  • Cost of Sales

  • Cost of Goods

  • COGS

  • COG

  • Prep Cost

  • Food Cost

  • Daily Operations

  • Menu Engineering

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Cost of Goods Sold Percent

Operational metric expressing cost of items sold as a percentage of the total Net Sales or Sales Net VAT. Cost of items sold (costs incurred to produce the sales items) as a percent of the total Net Sales or of the total Sales Net VAT.

The Cost of Goods Sold Percent calculation is:

Sum of cost of goods sold ÷ sum of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT.

  • Daily Operations

  • Menu Engineering

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Labor Cost

Total amount of all gross wages paid.

The Labor Cost calculation is:

Sum of regular pay + (overtime 1 + overtime 2 + overtime 3 + overtime 4).

  • Daily Operations

  • Service Performance

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Labor Cost Percent

Operational metric expressing cost of labor as a percent of the total Net Sales or Sales Net VAT. It includes the costs incurred for all wages paid, including overtime.

The Labor Cost Percent calculation is:

Sum of Labor Cost ÷ sum of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT

  • Daily Operations

  • Service Performance

  • Key Performance Indicator Comparison

Operating Margin

The operating result after subtracting variable costs for goods and labor from sales.

The calculation is:
  • Add-on tax calculation:

    Sum of Total Revenue - sum of Cost of Goods Sold - sume of Labor Cost.

  • Inclusive tax calculation:

    Sum of Sales Net VAT - sum of Cost of Goods Sold - sum of Labor Cost.

On some reports this metrics is referred to as:
  • Total Operating Margin

  • Daily Operations

  • Daily Operations Date Comparison

  • Daily Operations Location Comparison

  • Daily Operations Revenue Center Comparison

  • Daily Operations Summary

Margin Percent

The net margin as a percent of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT.

The Margin Percent calculation is:

(Sum of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT - sum of Cost of Goods Sold - sum of Labor Cost) ÷ (sum of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT)

  • Daily Operations

Margin, Percent of Total Margin

On menu item-based reports, the margin represents the menu item sales minus the Cost of Goods. It does not take Labor Cost into account.

The amount is calculation is:

Sum of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT - sum of Cost of Goods Sold.

The calculation as a percent is:

(Sum of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT - sum of Cost of Goods Sold) ÷ (sum of Net Sales or Sales Net VAT).

On some reports this metrics is referred to as:
  • Margin less Item Discounts

  • Total Margin

  • Contribution Margin

  • Menu Engineering

  • Cost of Goods

  • Menu Item Affinity