Setting the Relative Capacity Used By Each Menu Item

To use KDS Capacity Scheduling, you need to edit each menu item’s Menu Item Definition record to trigger ordered items to appear on KDS displays and to utilize the associated prep time settings in preparing and delivering the finished product.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Maintenance.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, select Menu Item Definition from the Record Type drop-down list, and then click Search. Double-click the desired record to open it in form view.
  3. Click the General tab, and then configure the following menu item definition fields for each menu item associated with the KDS capacity scheduling feature:
    • KDS Prep Time

      • Minutes

        : Enter the number of minutes necessary to prepare this item.
      • Seconds

        : Enter the number of seconds necessary to prepare this item.
      • Negative

        : If the item has a negative prep time (for example, a condiment that changes the item’s prep time), select this check box.
    • Capacity

      Capacity Usage: Enter the amount of panel capacity used while preparing this menu item. This amount should be set based on the prep station’s capabilities to produce this item. This field should only be used when enabling KDS Controllers, General, Options tab, 13 - Enable Capacity Scheduling.

  4. Click Save.

    Alternately, you can configure the system to ignore or override the KDS Prep Time and capacity settings. There are settings in the Menu Item Classes and Order Type Parameters modules which affect KDS capacity output to KDS displays. These option locations are shown below (by module):

    Menu Item Classes

    • 83 - Ignore KDS Prep Time (Capacity)

      : Select for menu items in this class to appear on a KDS display as soon as capacity is available, ignoring having all menu items ready to serve at the same time.
    • 84 - Override Parent’s Ignore KDS Prep Time option: Overrides option 83 setting of the parent item’s Menu Item Class.

    Order Type Parameters

    12 - Always Use KDS Prep Time: This option suppresses the Menu Item Classes options 83 and 84.

    See KDS Capacity Scheduling, specifically the Examples of Capacity Scheduling Scenarios section to review examples of various KDS output scenarios and how configuration settings affect this feature.

    See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Menu Item Classes chapter, for more information about configuring menu item classes.

    See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Order Types section for more information about configuring order types.