Assign Screen Lookups

A screen look up (SLU) is used to organize menu items so that workstation operators can easily find them in POS Operations. Menu items assigned to a SLU group appear together on touchscreens in the POS client. In some cases, the SLU is also used to control on which screens an item appears in external ordering systems that are integrated into Simphony.

A SLU key provides access to a list of related menu items. When a workstation operator clicks a SLU key, the system creates a touchscreen page for each menu item with a matching SLU number. For example, you can have a SLU for Apps that shows only the menu items associated with appetizers on the POS client.

You can assign each menu item master record to a maximum of eight different SLUs.

  1. Select the menu item.
  2. Click the Screen Lookup in the side list, and then click the menu item.
  3. To assign a SLU group to the menu item, select a SLU group in the Screen Lookup 1 through Screen Lookup 8 drop-down lists.

    Figure 3-6 Assign SLU Lookups

    This figure shows the Screen Lookups tab with Screen Lookup 1 through 8.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Screen Lookup Sort Priority (between 1-99) for the menu item.

    When Screen Lookup Sort Priority is used, menu items with Sort Priority 1 appear on the screen first, followed by menu items with Sort priority 2, and so on up to Sort Priority 99, and then finally Sort Priority 0 items. (Priority 0 means “Do not sort”; items with 0 appear at the end of the list.) Typically the most popular menu items have Sort Priority 1 for easy access. Items in the same SLU can belong to the same Screen Lookup Sort Priority.

  5. Click Update.