Register your account

Once your user account for the HSGBU Support Cloud has been set up, you will receive a welcome email with a link for registering for an Oracle account. This is how you create your user name and password.

The welcome email confirms that you have been approved to access the HSGBU Support Cloud. To set up your user name and password, register for an Oracle account. This is a one-time, required, registration process. If you already have an Oracle account, you can begin using the HSGBU Customer Support portal to access the HSGBU Support Cloud.
  1. On the welcome email message, click Register for an Oracle Account.
  2. Enter the information into the Create Account page and click Create Account.
    • Use the same email address as the one used to welcome you to HSGBU Support Cloud.
    • Enter the company you work for. It doesn’t have to be your sponsor company.


    To watch a short video on creating and registering an Oracle Account, in your browser, enter, click Tutorials, then click User Registration & Login.
  3. When you receive the email message verifying your Oracle account registration, click the Verify E-mail Address link.