12 Creating Graphic Layouts

This chapter outlines the process of producing Graphic Layouts.

In Oracle Clinical, the term layout means the graphic and typographic representation of a data collection definition. (See Data Entry and Report Layout Design for a comparison of the graphic-based layout system to the character-based system.) Here are some of the Graphic Layout system's advantages:

  • You can use Graphic Layouts to produce these outputs:
    • You can create DCI Forms for the RDC Data Entry Option.
    • You can print out formatted blank CRFs.
    • You can produce formatted Patient Data Reports (PDRs).
  • You lay out DCMs and DCIs separately in order for these data collection definitions to retain their flexibility for re-use.
  • If you revise a Graphic Layout after you start collecting data—for instance, if you add a Question or modify the layout—you can create a new layout version. (See Maintaining Form Layout Versions.)

Graphic Layout Terms

These are the main Graphic Layout terms:

  • DCM Graphic Layouts are DCM definitions that include visual formatting. The Questions in a DCM Graphic Layout are collected into blocks.
  • DCI Graphic Layouts contain DCM Graphic Layouts and header and footer information.
  • DCI Forms are used to generate the CRF for RDC Onsite HTML data entry window and the PDF Patient Data Report (PDR) and Blank Casebook Report. A DCI Form can contain up to 2000 objects.


    Each page must fit on a printed page or you will not be able to see all the data in the Patient Data Report. The system converts the layout separately for the PDF reports and HTML data entry. When you create a layout, test both uses.
  • Form Layout Templates contain DCI Graphic Layouts and define the areas for DCIs, headers, and footers.
  • Page Definitions determine the overall dimensions of a CRF or PDR printed page or window.
  • Objects are text and graphic elements like fields, lines, boxes, and prompts. There are input objects you inherit from the DCIs and DCMs, and static objects you add to a layout.

creating-dci-form.html#GUID-0D55175E-57A6-4B32-8A83-AFA243133F3C__CJAGDGBJ is a diagram of the basic process for creating DCI Forms.

For more information, see: