Maintaining Form Layout Templates

DCI and DCM Graphic Layouts inherit their shape from its DCI Form Layout Template. It defines the work area, which is the area between the header and footer, and the size of the header and footer when previewing the layout or when generating the DCI Form. This area is used for the DCM and response related fields when generating the DCM and DCI Layouts. The contents of this area can be edited in the DCM or DCI Layout Editor.

You maintain DCI Form Layout Templates at the Global Library level. You can generate different definitions of your templates to accommodate different page sizes and orientations. From the Glib menu, select Form Layout Templates, and choose Maintain Form Layout Templates. (For provisional work, navigate to Maintain Prov Form Layout Templates.) The Form Layout Template window has two tabs: The Form Layout Templates tab displays the values for one template; the Multi Form Layout Templates tab displays a scrolling list of all available templates.


When you edit a Form Layout Template, the changes do not cascade to existing DCM Layouts, DCI Layouts, or DCI Forms.

The status controls the availability of the Form Layout Template. Set to A (Active) if you are ready to use. You cannot edit the layouts of active Form Layout Templates. To edit an active Form Layout Template, change the status to P, edit the layout, then change it back to A. Set the status to R (Retired) if you don't want the layout to be available for use and you don't want to allow editing of the layout.

For more information, see:

About the Starter Form Layout Templates

Oracle Clinical 4.6 includes four starter templates:

  • OC_A4_L: Suitable for positioning on the ISO A4, Landscape (horizontal orientation) Page Definition

  • OC_A4_P: Suitable for positioning on ISO A4 Portrait (vertical orientation) Page Definition

  • OC_USL_P: Suitable for positioning on standard US Letter (8 1/2 x 11 in.) Portrait Page Definition

  • OC_USL_L: Suitable for positioning on US Letter Landscape Page Definition

    You cannot modify any of the starter templates. You have to make copies of them. To begin making your own templates, select a starter template that most closely resembles your needs and copy it.

Copying a Form Layout Template

To copy a template follow these instructions:

  1. From the Glib menu, select Form Layout Templates, then click Maintain Form Layout Templates or Maintain Prov Form Layout Templates.
  2. Select an existing template to be the basis of your new template.
  3. From the Special menu, select Copy Form Layout Template. A dialog box titled Copy Form Layout Templates opens.
  4. Choose a template from the list of values in the Copy from Template field. In this section, the template you choose here is called the parent template.
  5. Name your new template in the Copy to Template field.
  6. Click the OK button to create the copy.

You can then adjust how the default generator arranges and sizes different parts of the DCI in your template. The next section describes these tasks.

Validating Form Layout Templates

Unlike DCM and DCI Graphic Layouts, you cannot save an invalid Form Layout Template. Oracle Clinical separates the saving process from the validation process for layouts so that you can work on them over more than one session. Check the Form Layout Template's validity by selecting File, then Validate. If you receive any errors, the error message box includes descriptions of them. Correct the errors and try validating the template again.