Edit location details

Location administrators can edit the locations details set up by their Oracle Customer Success manager. For example, you can edit the address or add or modify the contact person at a location. (If you need a location created for your organization, contact your Oracle Customer Success Manager.)

To edit the details of a location:

  1. Select Locations/Scheduling from the Home page.


    If you cannot see the Locations/Scheduling option on the Home page, contact your Oracle Customer Success manager to activate it.
  2. If your organization includes more than one location for appointments, select the location where you want to make edits when prompted.
  3. Select the Administration tab.
  4. Select Edit Location Details from the right of the Location Details section to open the dialog box.
  5. Edit the field information for the location. (Required fields appear with a red upper-left corner.) For example, you can change the name, code, address, time zone, and point of contact. You can also add (or remove) details on the number of days in advance that someone can schedule an appointment at the location.
  6. Select Apply Changes.
The next time you view that location, you see your changes in the Location Details section of the Administration tab.
For details on adding certain types of appointments to a location, see Add different types of appointments at locations.