Manage locations

If your organization needs locations (physical places) where participants go for medical appointments, contact your Oracle Customer Support manager. Only your Oracle Customer Support manager can activate the Locations/Schedules option in the Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System and create one or more locations. Once activated, you can see the Locations/Schedules option in the Home page.

The Oracle Customer Support manager can work with you to set up the location details (such as the name, code, days open, automatic schedule or not, active or not, address, and contact information). This person also sets up the type of appointments you can schedule. You can ask your manager to set up as many locations as your organization needs.

After that, location administrators can edit the location details, add or delete different types of appointments, and add location users. They can also create and manage the schedule. Location administrators and location staff members can schedule and manage appointments, check-in participants, and process the appointment details.


For more information on adding location users, see Add a user at a location.