Entity roles

An entity role gives a user access to information for a single entity and all of its child entities. Assigning entity roles is optional.

Organizations that don't assign entity roles usually choose a small group of people who perform all tasks and monitor all populations on behalf of the organization.

If people are responsible for monitoring or otherwise updating one or more entities, you must assign them the appropriate entity roles. You can assign each of these roles to multiple people.

Role Description

Entity Coordinator

An Entity Coordinator accesses and monitors data associated with the participants in their entity, including viewing and updating participant information for the entity.

Entity coordinators can also schedule appointments for participants.

Main Coordinator

A Main Coordinator performs the same tasks as a Entity Coordinator, plus a few more.

In addition to the Entity Coordinator tasks, they can update information for the entity and their fellow coordinators and designate the facility's medical oversight officer.

When planning your implementation, if you identified individuals who need to be included or informed but who aren't monitoring any population groups, this role is a good fit for them.

Medical Oversight Officer

A Medical Oversight Officer monitors the medical-related information that is collected for that facility and is responsible for the overall activity at the entity.

Some organizations decide to give higher-access roles to individuals who perform medical oversight. To learn more about your options, see Options for medical oversight roles.