Configure File Watcher data loading


Your administrator must set up a File Watcher for this study.

  1. Click the Study Configuration icon Shows gear with pencil iconfrom the navigation bar. Make sure the Clinical Data Models tab is selected.

  2. Select Development from the Lifecycle drop-down at the top of the page.


    In the Development lifecycle context you can configure File Watcher for any lifecycle stage.

  3. Select the model and click Check Out.

  4. Go to the clinical data model's Watcher Configuration tab.

  5. In the Data Source field, select the name of the lab.


    If this model is for data from an EDC system other than InForm, this field does not appear.

  6. If data will be loaded in SAS files, enter SAS parameter values:

    • Upload File Type: Either CPORT, XPORT, or SAS Dataset.

      Datasets must be contained in a .zip file and each have the same name as one target table.

    • Reported Errors: The number of errors allowed per dataset before the load fails. No records are loaded if the load fails. See Format checks on files being loaded for more information.

  7. Click the Save icon.

Next: See "Set text data load parameters" if you will load data in text files. Otherwise, see "Specify a file name for each lifecycle stage."