Set text data load parameters


Select a data source and save. See Configure File Watcher data loading.

  1. Click the Study Configuration icon Shows gear with pencil iconfrom the navigation bar. Make sure the Clinical Data Models tab is selected.

  2. Select Development from the Lifecycle drop-down at the top of the page.


    In the Development lifecycle context you can configure File Watcher for any lifecycle stage.

  3. Select the model and click Check Out.

  4. In the Watcher Configuration tab, click the Icon is a gray box with two white horizontal lines.Data Load Parameters icon.

  5. Specify the format to be used in all data files:

    • Fixed: The system uses the target table column length to determine the length of each data value. The file must contain the correct number of characters for each value in each record, in column order.

    • Delimited: The system uses a delimiter character you specify to determine when one column value ends and the next one begins.

      • DelimiterChar: Enter the character to separate column values, for example, a comma (,) or a pipe (|).

      • Enclosing Character: If any data value may contain the delimiter character, another character must be added before and after each data value. Enter the character.

  6. Fill in the following fields:

    • Skip Records: To prevent loading records at the beginning of the file, enter the number of records you want the system to skip. The default value is zero (0).

    • Reported Errors: The number of errors allowed per file before the load fails. No records are loaded if the load fails. See Format checks on files being loaded for more information.

    • Rows Before Commit: The number of rows you want the system to process before committing processed rows to the database.

    • Date Format: The exact date format used in the data file, if any. Do not enter a value here if the data file does not contain a date field.


      • The examples show mm for minutes, but it should be mi.

      • Use mm for a month number (for example, 11) or mon for a three-letter month (for example, NOV). Use yyyy for a 4-digit year.

      • If you use a 24-hour clock, enter hh24 for the hour. If you use a 12-hour clock, use hh and enter am after a space following the time string.

      For more examples, see:

  7. Click OK.

Next: Specify a file name convention for each lifecycle stage