Review data load errors (optional)

To review data load errors:

  1. Click Study Manager in the navigation bar and select a study from the Studies panel.


    For details on selecting a study, see Select a study from the Home page.
  2. Click the Data Loads tab to open a table with details on files that loaded into the selected study.
  3. Open a file in one of the following columns:

    • Last Load Results: Contains the results of the most recent data load. This file is produced whether the data load is successful or failed.

    • View Output:: Produced during a data load (the SQL*Loader log). This file is produced whether the data load is successful or failed.

    • View Error File: Created when a text file for a data load contains more fields than there are columns in the table you're loading the data into. This file is produced for failed data loads only.


      This column is typically empty.

    • View Comprehensive Error Report: The error log includes a list of the specific data record and field from the file that caused the error. This file is produced for failed data loads only.