Statuses for uncompleted jobs

As described in View data load history, you can view data load history through the Data Loads tab on the Home page. For incomplete jobs, the system displays the job's current status. Click the Icon is a near circular arrow. Refresh icon to update the table.

  • Pending: The job has not yet started running.

  • Started: The job has begun pre-processing.

  • Executing: The Program has connected to the database and is running.

  • Finalizing: The job has begun post-processing.

  • Aborted: The job has been manually stopped while underway.

  • On Hold: The job is waiting for the quiesce process to complete for the clinical data model work area.

  • Expired: The system removed the job from the queue after the timeout interval passed.

  • Duplicate: The job is a duplicate of another job; the currency of the source data, parameter values, and executable instance version are the same. The system does not rerun the job unless the person submitting the job chooses to force reexecution.