Add or edit a user in an Oracle-hosted environment


This procedure does not apply for self-hosted installations. For more information, see Add and edit a user in a self-hosted environment.

For Oracle-hosted installations, this is a two-step procedure:

  1. Create users in the Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access Management Service console.
  2. Manage the user's access rights on the Oracle Empirica Signal Users page.
Add the user in Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access Management Service
  1. Log in to the Oracle Health Sciences Identity and Access Management Service console.
  2. Create the user.

    For more information see the IAMS Delegated Administrator Quick Reference Guide on the My Oracle website.

  3. Assign the Signal role to the user.

    After a few minutes, the user is created in Oracle Empirica Signal, and an entry appears in the Oracle Empirica Signal userprovision.log file on the application server.

    The user is provisioned with the default user profile specified as a site option.

  4. Optionally, change the roles and permissions assigned to the user.
  5. If you plan to use the Topics feature of Oracle Empirica Signal, optionally do the following for newly created users:
    1. Add the user to one or more work teams.
    2. Assign work team permissions to the user.
Edit the user's access rights
  1. Log in to the Oracle Empirica Signal application
  2. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  3. In the Manage Users section, click Edit Users.
  4. Locate the user to edit in the table.
  5. Click the user's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), and then click Edit.


    You can edit only users in your login group.
  6. Fill in the fields, and then click Save.
Field descriptions
Field Description

Authentication (read only)

Indicates that the user is authenticated with single sign-on.

Username (read only)

Unique name of the user account (up to 100 characters). You can reuse deleted user names.

Does not apply if LDAP authentication is used.

For more information, see About user names.

First Name (read only)

First name of the user (up to 64 characters).

Last Name (read only)

Last name of the user (up to 64 characters).

Email (read only)

Email address of the user. This address (or addresses, separated by a comma) is used:

  • As the default email address if the user chooses to be notified of data mining run completion notification.
  • When a message is generated by a topic email notification rule.
  • When you use the Send Message to All Users link on the Settings page.

It is recommended that all users have an associated email address.

User Profile

The user profile, or set of attributes (login group and quota), user roles, permissions, and default user preferences that can be applied to users.

By default, new users are provisioned with the user profile. The user profile does not include any permissions or roles.


Maximum amount of server space in megabytes (M) that the user is permitted to use for creating runs. If this limit is exceeded, the user cannot submit new runs (or re-runs). To indicate an unlimited amount of storage space, leave this field blank. If you enter 0, the user cannot create any runs even if the user has appropriate permissions.

Login Group

Name of the login group to which the user belongs. Appears only if you are a superuser.

By default, new users belong to the Users login group

Password (disabled)

Does not apply for SSO.

Confirm Password (disabled)

Does not apply for SSO.


If selected, the user can perform any activity. This check box is available only if you are logged in as a superuser.

If you are not a superuser, the label Superuser appears (without a check box) for any previously created superuser.

Password never expires

Does not apply for SSO.

User must change password at next login

Does not apply for SSO.

Account locked

Does not apply for SSO.

Account disabled

If selected, the user account is disabled and the user cannot log in.