View all actions

You can view all the actions that have been added to the topics you created or topics that have been made visible to a work team of which you are a member.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon (Topic Management icon).
  2. Select the Actions tab.
  3. (Optional) From the Topic Workflow Configuration drop-down list select a different topic workflow configuration.
  4. (Optional) Select a View items for selector:
    • Me: Topics or actions visible to you and assigned to you.
    • Work team: Topics and actions visible to you and assigned to the selected work team. If you have access to more than one work team, select from the Work Team drop-down list.
    • All: All topics and actions visible to you. The Calendar tab is not available if you select All.
  5. (Optional) In the Graph section, change the graph shown by selecting a different field from the Actions By drop-down list.


    Changing the graph does not filter the actions in the Actions table.
  6. (Optional) In the Filter bar, click the Select Filter button to add or remove filters and limit the Actions table to those actions you want to work with.
  7. Click the Header Action menu (Header Action menu icon) to perform the following actions on the table as a whole:
    • Add or remove columns, sort columns, and specify the order in which the columns appear in the table.
    • Download the Actions table to various types of files.
  8. Click an action's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) to perform the following actions on the selected action:
    • View: Display the general information about the selected action, comments, attachments, and history. You can have up to five view windows open at once.
    • Edit: Edit the general information about the selected action, comments, attachments, and history. You can only have one edit window open. If you have already opened an action for editing, and you try to edit another topic or action, Oracle Empirica Topics asks you to confirm that any unsaved changes on the other action you started to edit will be discarded.
    • Reopen: Reopen an action that is in a closed state.
    • Delete: Confirm that you want to delete the action.

Default field descriptions—Actions tab

Column Description


Unique identifying number for the action.

Action name

Name of the action.

Action description

Description of the action.

Action state

Indicates the state of the action in the workflow. States are specified in the topic workflow configuration to represent the expected workflow.

Assigned to

User or work team to whom the action is assigned.

Planned completion date

Due date for performing this action. If a value is defined for this field, then the open action will appear in the Calendar tab.

Actual completion date

Date on which the action was completed.

Attachment Count

Total count of attachments to the action. (Deleted attachments are not included in this count.)

Created By

Name of the user who created the action.


Date and time when the action was created.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the action, including adding comments.


Date and time when the action was last modified.

The table also includes columns for custom fields added by your organization. For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.