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Authorizing subject data edits

This procedure switches on the ability to change subject information in a study after a transaction is complete. For more information, see Correcting subject information in the User Guide and Configuration of subject data edits.

Before you perform this procedure, you must set up the data entry fields during the design phase so they are collected IRT. For more information, see Identifying the data entry fields in AppBlock Designer.

  1. Click Configurations (Configurations tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, click General Configuration.

    For descriptions of the fields on this page, see General Configurations page.

  3. In the Allow Data Edits section, select Yes.
  4. In the Allow Data Edits section on the right, select each type of transaction that can be edited.
  5. In the Approvals Alert Frequency textbox, type the number of days between the reminders to review an approval or an acknowledgment.

    When an approval or acknowledgment is requested, IRT sends the first alert immediately. This option sets the number of days between later reminders.

  6. Click Submit.

After you enable edits to subject transactions, you must identify the editable fields and set permissions.

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