Creating the Directory and Running the Export Script

To run the export process, do the following from the database server where you have the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub source database instance installed:

  1. Connect to the database instance as the Oracle Applications schema owner; usually apps.
  2. Create an OS directory where you want the output of the export script to be generated; for example, in the Oracle LSH application user's home directory.

    The export process creates .log and. xml files that contain Oracle LSH object metadata information that may be sensitive to your organization. Oracle recommends granting full access to the OS directory only to the Oracle user and the user who runs the export process.

    For example:

    mkdir  /user/xyz/exp_imp
    # Below command removes all rights on the directory from others
    chmod o-rwx /user/xyz/exp_imp
    # Assuming the user running export owns the directory and Oracle user is part of a group called orcl
    chgrp orcl /user/xyz/exp_imp
    # Grant read,write,execute privileges on the directory to the group
    chmod g+rwx /user/xyz/exp_imp
    # Grant read,write,execute privileges on the directory owner
    chmod u+rwx /user/xyz/exp_imp


    • Do not include any spaces in the OS directory name.
    • The OS directory must be empty before running the export script.
  3. Map the OS directory to a database directory using the following SQL command:
    CREATE DIRECTORY database_directory_name as path_of_the_OS_directory
  4. From the OS directory, enter the following command with appropriate values. Each parameter is described in text below.
    sqlplus apps@LSH_source_database_server_name @path_of_cdrruexport.sql  LSH_application_user Database_directory_name Export_type Export_table  Export_column Domain_name

    The parameters are:

    • LSH Application Username. Enter a valid Oracle LSH application user's username. The script checks in all checked out objects in this user's name. The script prompts for the password.
    • Database Directory Name. Enter the name of the database directory you created in SQL*Plus that maps to the OS directory.
    • Export Type. Enter F to perform a Full export or P to perform a partial export. For more details, see Full and Partial Export.
    • Export Table. If you are performing a partial export, supply the name of the database driver table that stores the object IDs of the objects you are exporting.

      If you are performing a full export, enter any value; for example, x.

    • Export Column. If you are performing a partial export, supply the name of the database driver table column that stores the object IDs of the objects you are exporting.

      If you are performing a full export, enter any value; for example, x.

    • Domain Name. Enter the name of the Oracle LSH Domain that you want to export. The Domain name is case sensitive.


      If the Domain name contains spaces or any special characters, enclose the Domain name in the escape character (\) followed by double quotes (").

      For example, if the Domain's name is Domain 1, enter it as:

      \"Domain 1\"


      If you include an object instance in the export whose underlying definition is not contained within this Domain, the export of the object instance does not succeed. The export log file contains a warning.
  5. The export script creates a zipped file and a log file in the database directory. Both the files have the Domain's name as the filename. Check the domain_name.log file for details of the export operation. See Export Log File Content for details.


    The zipped filename contains underscores in the place of any spaces in the Domain name. However, regardless of the zipped filename, the Domain created in the target Oracle LSH instance has the same name as the exported Domain in the source Oracle LSH instance.