Creating an Execution Setup from an Execution Template

When you choose to use an Execution Template, a search field appears.

  1. Click the Search icon. The system displays all the Execution Setups available as Execution Templates that have been created for instances of the same execution object definition. For each Execution Template the system displays its Program instance name, validation status, and runnable status.
  2. Click the icon in the Quick Select column for the Execution Template you want to use. The system returns you to the Create Execution Setup screen.
  3. Click Apply. The system creates a new Execution Setup that is a copy of the Execution Template you selected and returns you to the Execution Setup screen with the Execution Setup name displayed in the lower portion of the screen.
  4. Click the Execution Setup's name in the Execution Setup column.

    The system opens the Execution Setup Properties screen.

  5. Modify as necessary. See Modifying an Execution Setup and Setting Parameters.
  6. Set the Execution Setup version to Active; see Activating a Version of an Execution Setup.