Creating a New Execution Setup

When you choose to create a new Execution Setup without an Execution Template, additional fields appear.

  1. Enter values for the following fields:
    • Name. Give the Execution Setup a meaningful name, including an indication of the Program or other executable it is for.


      The Execution Setup's name is very important because users submitting the executable from the Reports tab see only the Execution Setup name and description and executable object type (and its version number, validation status, and creation time). The Reports tab does not display information about the executable object to be run except for the object's type. Therefore the name/description combination must be informative enough to allow users to understand what they will get when they run the Execution Setup.

      If you plan to make this Execution Setup available as an Execution Template, remember that definers creating new Execution Setups based on this one will see only its name, its owning executable instance, and its validation and Runnable statuses.

      If there are or will be other Execution Setups for the same object, indicate what is unique about this one.

    • Description. Describe the Execution Setup, especially if there are multiple Execution Setups for the same executable object.
    • Allow Use as Execution Template. Set to Yes if you want to make this Execution Setup available as a template to other instances of the same executable definition. Set to No if you do not want the Execution Setup to be available as a template. You can change this setting only when the Execution Setup is checked in.
  2. Select a subtype and change classifications if necessary. The output resulting from the submission of this Execution Setup may inherit its classifications from the Execution Setup; see Classifying Outputs.
  3. Click Apply. The system generates a default Execution Setup using the current Parameter settings and returns you to the Execution Setup screen with the Execution Setup name displayed in the Execution Setup List.

    The current settings for Forward Chain Enabled and Cascade Enabled are displayed. You can change these settings by selecting the Execution Setup and clicking the appropriate button:

    • Forward Chain Enabled. If Yes, the Program or other executable can be triggered during a forward chain process or begin the forward chain process. Only one Execution Setup for the object can be set to Yes.
    • Cascade Enabled. If Yes, the Program or other executable can trigger the execution of executables that read from the tables it writes to as part of the forward chain process. Only one Execution Setup for the object can be set to Yes, and it must also have Forward Chaining Enabled set to Yes.


      Object types that do not write to tables, such as Data Marts, cannot have Cascade enabled.

      Even if these attributes are set to Yes, if forward chaining is not enabled for the Work Area, this object cannot be executed as part of a forward chaining process.

  4. Click the Execution Setup's name in the Execution Setup column.

    The system opens the Execution Setup Properties screen.

  5. Modify as necessary. See Modifying an Execution Setup and Setting Parameters.
  6. Set the Execution Setup version to Active; see Activating a Version of an Execution Setup.