Instance Properties

You can see the following instance properties:

  • Name: You can click Update and modify the name. See Naming Objects for further information.

  • Description: You can click Update and modify the description. See Creating and Using Object Descriptions for further information.

  • Visible: If set to Yes, the Parameter is visible by default in the Execution Setup of the instance. If set to No, the Parameter is not visible by default. You can choose to keep this setting as Yes in an object definition or instance, and change it whenever required, in an Execution Setup.


    Changes made to Parameter properties from an Execution Setup do not affect Parameter properties in the object's definition because Execution Setups maintain an independent copy of the Parameters.

  • Required: If set to Yes, you must provide a value for this Parameter in the Submission form for this instance. This setting is applicable only to visible Parameters. You can choose to keep this setting as No in an object definition or instance, and change it when required, in an Execution Setup.

  • Read Only: If set to Yes, you cannot change the value of this Parameter. You can choose to set this property to No in an object definition or instance, and change it whenever required, in an Execution Setup.

  • Input/Output: This setting indicates the type of Parameter. Parameters can be of type Input, Output, or Input/Output.

  • Prompt: This is the display prompt for the Parameter. By default it is the same as the Parameter's name.

  • Definition: You can upgrade to a new version of the same definition. See Upgrading to a Different Definition Version from an Instance.

  • Version: This field displays the current version number of the Parameter instance.

    For further information on object versions, see Understanding Object Versions and Checkin/Checkout.

  • Validation Status: This field displays the current validation status of the Parameter instance. See Validating Objects and Outputs for further information.

  • Status: This field displays the installable status of the Parameter: Installable or Non Installable. The installable status of a Parameter depends on the installable status of its parent object. See Installation Requirements for Each Object Type for more details.