Object Instance Information

The Work Area properties screen can display the following information about each object instance contained in the Work Area. You can reduce the number of columns displayed and change the right-to-left order in which they are displayed by clicking the Customize button or selecting a different view; see Personalizing Your Work Area Properties Screen.

You can change the top-to-bottom display order of a Work Area's objects by sorting on the fields with an asterisk (*) below.


The name of the object instance. The name is hyperlinked; click it and the system opens the Properties screen for that object instance.


The object type.


For executable object instances, this is the technology type; for example, SAS or PLSQL for Programs; Oracle Clinical Labs or SAS for Load Sets. For Table instances, it is the processing type; for example Staging or Transactional with Audit.


The object description entered by its Definer.

Latest Version

The number of the latest version of the object instance.

Installed Version

The number of the version of the object instance that is currently installed.


Objects can have the following statuses:

  • Installable. The object either is installed or can be installed.

  • Non Installable. The object has problems that prevent it from being installed. See Installation Requirements for Each Object Type for the reasons each object type may be noninstallable.


    The Install option for single object instances is always available, even for objects with a status of Non Installable. The system automatically addresses the problem of unmapped Table Descriptors during installation; see Installing Individual Objects.

  • Upgradable. This status applies only to Table instances. If a Table instance is Upgradable, you can install it using any mode. If it is Non Upgradable, you cannot install it in upgrade mode. See information on Upgrade mode under Installation Modes.


An object instance of any type is not installable if its source definition is checked out by a user different from the person initiating the installation (except a Checkin Administrator), or if its source definition is not installable for any other reason.

Validation Status*

Development, Quality Control, Production, or Retired; See Validating Objects and Outputs for further information.

Has Data*

This field applies only to Table instances. If set to Yes, the Table instance contains data. If set to No, the Table instance does not contain data.

Definition Checked Out By*

If the source definition of the object instance is checked out, the system displays the username of the person who has checked it out.

Created TS *

Timestamp when the object was created.

Created By*

User ID of the person who created the object.

Last Modified TS*

Timestamp of the most recent modification of the object.

Last Modified By*

User ID of the person who most recently modified the object.

Installed TS*

Timestamp of the most recent installation of the object.

Last Submit TS*

This field applies only to executable instances: timestamp of the most recent submission of the object.

Last Refresh TS*

This field applies only to Table instances: timestamp of the most recent job that wrote data to the Table instance.

Browse Data, Install, Launch, Submit

See Object Instance Actions below.