Work Area Properties

A Work Area itself has the following properties:

Usage Intent

Work Areas have a special property called Usage Intent that interacts with the validation status of the Work Area and its contained object instances to enforce certain system behavior. The valid usage intent values are the same as the validation status, except for Retired. They are Development, Quality Control, and Production.

For an explanation of the interaction of usage intent and validation status, see "Work Area Usage Intent and Validation Status" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Implementation Guide.

Validation Status

The validation status of the Work Area itself. You cannot promote a Work Area to a higher validation status until every object it contains has a validation status equal to or greater than the new Work Area validation status.


A Work Area's status is either Installable or Non Installable. The status is Installable only if every object instance contained in it is Installable. However, even if the status is Non Installable, you can run the installation job as follows:

  • You can run upgrade or partial installation if you omit the noninstallable objects.

  • You can run full installation. If an executable object is noninstallable, the system automatically performs automatic mapping by name for any unmapped target Table Descriptors, looking for Table instances of the same name in the current Work Area. If any target Table Descriptors remain unmapped, the system creates Table instances from them in the current Work Area and maps them. The executable object may then be installable.

  • You can install individual objects; see Installing Individual Objects.


Even if a Work Area's status is Installable, you cannot install it if the source definition of any of its object instances is checked out by another user.

However, if you have the Checkin Administrator privileges you can check in all objects that are checked out by other users and install the Work Area. The system displays a warning indicating that you are checking in objects checked out by other users. Normal object security privileges on the Work Area and its objects is also required.


The current version of the Work Area. (You can see information about previous versions by selecting View Version History from the Actions drop-down list.)

Cloning Label

If this Work Area was the source or target of a Work Area clone, the system displays the label entered at the time of clone.

Version Label

If a user has applied a label to this version of the Work Area, the system displays it here. To create a label for the current Work Area version, select Version Label from the Actions drop-down list.


The system displays the Domain in which the Work Area is located.

Application Area

The system displays the Application Area in which the Work Area is located.

Forward Chain Enabled

If checked, Programs and other executables in the Work Area can be part of a forward chaining execution process if they are set up to do so. If unchecked, no Program or other executable in the Work Area can be part of a forward chaining process even if they are set up for it; see Forward Chaining for more information.