Data Manager

The Data Manager role allows all operations on all object types. Because this user group is assigned to a Work Area, only the operations on object instances are relevant. The Data Manager can modify object instances so that they point to the new version of a fixed object. The Data Manager has the IQ_Submit role needed to run executables to test them before promoting object instances to the Quality Control validation status. The Data Manager can also clone the Work Area.

See Work Area Usage Intent and Validation Status for information on the intended usage of Work Areas and the interaction of objects' validation status and the Work Area Usage Intent attribute.


In this example, the Study 123ABC user group is explicitly unassigned from the Quality Control Work Area so that Programmers cannot change object instances in the QC environment. Programmers should make any necessary changes in the Development Work Area, and then the Data Manager should clone the modified Work Area onto the Quality Control Work Area for testing.

Alternatively, if your operating procedure is for your Definers to test their own applications, you do not need the Quality Control user group. To allow programmers and data managers full privileges on the Quality Control Work Area, simply do not unassign the Development user group from it.