Phase 2: Implementation Setup and Maintenance

The second phase involves setting up the structures and systems designed in the Implementation Design phase. You may need to extend and modify these systems over time, so the instructions are included in the manual intended for the people who will maintain each system.

  • Setting up the organizational structure—Domains, Application Areas, and Work Areas—is covered in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

  • Setting up the security system includes creating user groups and roles, assigning user groups to Domains, Application Areas, and Work Areas, and assigning users to roles within user groups. Instructions are included in "Setting Up the Security System" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

  • Setting up the classification system includes creating flat and/or multilevel hierarchies of categories with values that represent the organization and/or purpose of your company's work, and assigning these to Domains, Application Areas, and Work Areas. Instructions are included in "Setting Up the Classification System" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

  • Setting up integration with external systems includes setting up the Distributed Processing Server, setting up Adapter Security, Registering Remote Locations, and creating Database Accounts. These tasks are all covered in "Setting Up Adapters to External Systems" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

The Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide also includes monitoring and troubleshooting information on Oracle LSH job execution.