Phase 3: Application and Data Repository Development and Maintenance

In this phase, you work in a Work Area to define all the objects necessary to accomplish a particular business purpose (application), and install them to an Oracle LSH database schema.

You then load data into the schema and run the application to test the programs, tables, and other defined objects. When the application is ready, you clone the Work Area and install it to a different Oracle LSH schema to be used for quality control, load fresh data, and formally test the application.

When the application is thoroughly tested and all its objects validated, clone the quality control Work Area, install it to a new Oracle LSH schema to be used for production, load production data, and allow clinical and other personnel to see Oracle LSH outputs as appropriate. The production environment can be modified as necessary over time, using the development and quality control Work Areas.

Over time, if you design modular applications, you can reuse object definitions in various combinations to create new applications with a minimum of programming effort.

For more information, see the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The programmers and data managers who develop applications in Oracle LSH are called Definers because they define objects.