Define system settings

Oracle Health Immunization Management comes with default settings (for example, product name and Welcome message text). You can change these settings, if necessary. For example, you can work with your Customer Success Manager to include another name in the product banner, change the country, time zone, or language for the patient health survey.

To define system settings:
  1. Select the Administration tab from the banner.
  2. Select Settings to open the Settings page.
  3. In the Basics section, do the following:
    • Display Name: (Required) Leave the default name of the product or change it to another name. This name appears in the banner when users log in to the system.
    • Code: (Required) Leave the default code or enter a four-letter code that helps you identify the system.
    • Default Country: (Required) Leave the default country or select another one from the drop-down list.
    • Default Time Zone: (Required) Leave the default time zone or select another one from the drop-down menu.
    • Default Language: (Required) Leave the default language for the health check survey that patients get or select another language from the drop-down menu. You can select English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, or Korean.
    • HPI-O: (Required for Australia locations only) Enter the 16-digit Healthcare Provider Identifier-Organization (HPI-O) number for the location.
  4. In the Welcome Message section, you see an HTML template with default text. This is the message the users see when they open the application. It contains a welcome message with details on what they can do (register and make an appointment). If necessary, make modifications to the text. For example, if you changed the product name, you may want to use the new name in the Welcome message.
  5. (Optional). In the Point of Contact section, provide details on the following fields:
    • Name: Enter the name of person you want users to contact for support.
    • Email: Enter the email address of the contact person.
    • Code: Country code and number.
    • Phone: Enter the phone number of the contact person.
  6. Select Apply Changes. You see a "Settings updated" message in the banner. The Administration tab now shows details on the settings you just reviewed or added.