Edit a location

Administrators and location administrators can edit the details of a location (or remove it) at any time. For example, you may need to edit a location to add external location mapping identifiers to transmit data through web service calls.

To edit a location where people get vaccinated:
  1. Select Locations from the Home tab. This opens the Locations tab.
  2. Select the name of the location you need to edit from the lists of locations (alphabetically listed). This opens the schedule for the location. (If necessary, you can search for the location by entering the location name or address in the Search field.)


    You can also select the filter Status of Active or Inactive locations to ensure you find it. If you need to activate an inactive location, select Inactive at the end of the row with the location you want to edit. This opens the location with an Activate Location option at the top of the page. If you did not add location administrators, check-in agents, or healthcare workers to the location and create a schedule, you see error messages and cannot activate the location. (See Add a location administrator, check-in agent, or healthcare worker and Create a schedule for a location for more details.)
  3. Select Edit Location from the top-right of the page. This opens the locations details page.
  4. Modify the necessary fields (for example, name, address, contact information, appointment types, or schedule settings).
  5. Do one of the following at the Consumer Visible option:
    • Select Yes to make the location visible to Patient Portal users. Once visible, patients can book appointments there. The Locations tab also lists the location with a CONSUMER VISIBLE label for administrators and staff workers to see that patients can see this location.
    • Select No to hide the location from patients. If you hide the location, Patient Portal users cannot see the location as a place to book an appointment.
  6. If the location includes external location mapping identifiers (to transmit data through web service calls), select the Edit pencil icon Edit pencil iconto open the Add/Edit Location Mapping dialog box. Make the necessary changes to the Location Identifier Source field, Location Identifier field, or both and select Apply Changes. If you want to remove the location mapping information for the location, select Delete. Then select OK to confirm.
  7. Make any necessary changes to the fields in the Address, Point of Contact, Appointment Type, and Scheduling Settings sections.
  8. Select Apply Changes to return to the location schedule page.


    If you need to delete the location from the system, select Delete Location instead. Select OK when prompted to confirm. This removes the location from the system and any schedules you created under it.
If you changed the location name, you see it at the top of the page. If you changed the address, contact information, or appointment types, you can see the changes in the left panels.