Add a location

Location administrators can add one or more locations to Oracle Health Immunization Management, depending on the number of places you plan to use for appointments. A location is a physical place where patients go for their vaccination appointment.

Administrators can set a location as hidden. Once hidden from patients, only staff members can access it to book appointments.


If you want to add multiple locations at once, see Upload data on patients, groups, locations, or users in bulk instead of this procedure.
To add a location where patients go for appointments:
  1. Select Locations from the Home tab. This opens the Locations tab.
  2. Select Add Location from the top-right of the tab. This opens the Add Location page. (Required fields show a red upper-left corner.)
  3. Enter the field information for the location. For example:
    • Name (Required): Add a name for the location that helps you identify it.
    • Location Code (Required): Enter a 10-digit code that helps you identify the location. The system uses this code with a QR code to show proof of a booked appointment.
    • Clinical Setting: Select the appropriate setting for the location from the drop-down list (for example, Medical Practice).
    • Consumer Visible: Select Yes to make the location visible to Patient Portal users or No to hide it from them. If you hide the location, Patient Portal users cannot see the location as a place to book an appointment. (The Locations tab lists visible locations with a CONSUMER VISIBLE label for staff members to see that users can book appointments there.)
    • If you entered a location code and setting that requires external mapping to identify it when transmitting data through web service calls, select Add Mapping from the External Location Mapping Identifiers section. In the Location Identifier Source field, select the source from the drop-down menu (for example, Australia Immunization Registry [AIR] Service Provider ID). Enter the identifier (up to 20 characters) in the Location Identifier field and select Add Mapping.
    • Address (Required): Enter the full address of the location.
    • Code and Location Phone: Select the country code and enter the phone number for the location.
    • Time Zone: Select the time zone for the location from the drop-down list.
    • Point of Contact: Enter the name, email address, and phone of the contact person for the location.
    • Appointment Types: Leave the default selections or select the type of appointments held at your location (for example, COVID-19 and Influenza vaccines).


    Patients who register for a vaccine see the address details you entered in their appointment confirmation messages.
  4. Select Add Location. You see a "Location added" message in the banner. The Location tab now shows details on the location you just added with the current calendar. Your locations list alphabetically.


    You also see an Activate Location option at the top of the location. You must activate the location for users to book appointments. But, you must first add location administrators, check-in agents, or healthcare workers to the location and create a schedule for the location. If you try to activate the location before you do this, you see an error message. For example, if the site you created requires external mapping to identify it when transmitting data, you see a message to edit the location. You may also see a message to set the advance number of booking days you want to allow before appointments and make it consumer visible or not. For more information on adding users to a location, adding a schedule, or editing a location, see Add a location administrator, check-in agent, or healthcare worker, Create a schedule for a location, or Edit a location.
The next time you view the list of locations, you see the location you added in the list or you can search for it. To search for the location, you can enter the location name (or part of the name) in the search field at the top of the list to filter for related location names.