Add a location administrator, check-in agent, or healthcare worker

A system administrator or location administrator can add location administrators, check-in agents, and healthcare workers.


To upload user or location data in bulk, see Upload data on patients, groups, locations, or users in bulk instead of this procedure.
You must add different types of users under an existing location in Oracle Health Immunization Management. For example, if the location administrator, check-in agent, and healthcare worker plan to work from a particular site you added to the system, you add those users to that location. To add a location to Oracle Health Immunization Management, see Add a location.

If you want to add multiple users at once, see Upload data on patients, groups, locations, or users in bulk instead of this procedure.

To add a location administrator, check-in agent, or healthcare worker to a location:

  1. Select the Locations tab from the banner.
  2. In the list of locations, select the name of the location that you want to associate with the user. For example, the user may support that location or work there.
  3. Below the name of the location, select Manage Users.
  4. Perform one of the following tasks:
    • If the person works as an administrator for the location, select Add Location Administrator.
    • If the person checks in patients when they arrive for appointments, select Add Check-in Agent.
    • If the person administers the vaccine or test, processes the patient record, or does both, select Add Healthcare Worker.
  5. In the Add User dialog box, enter the email address for the user and select Next.
  6. Enter the first name (required), middle name, and last name (required) of the user in the appropriate fields.
  7. From the Language drop-down menu, select the language you want the user to see when they sign in to Oracle Health Immunization Management (for example, English or French).


    After setting a language for a user, that user only sees Oracle Health Immunization Management in English or French after signing in (depending on what you selected). If you selected another language (for example, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, or Korean), the user only sees the Oracle Health Immunization Management Patient Portal interface and surveys in the language you selected. The Oracle Health Immunization Management interface remains in English (or French).
  8. Do one of the following:
    • If you selected Add Location Administrator or Add Check-in Agent, leave the Healthcare Worker checkbox clear and skip to step 9.
    • If you selected Add Healthcare Worker to add a healthcare worker, select the Healthcare Worker? toggle button to activate it (white square moves to the right and background turns green). Then (if shown) select the appropriate title from the Healthcare Profession drop-down menu. For example, you can select Authorized Nurse Immunizer, Medical Practitioner or Registered Nurse. (The system flags anyone you label as a healthcare worker as a vaccinator. This helps users identify who can administer vaccines quickly.)


      For Australia users, you see the required HPI-I field. Enter the 16-digit Healthcare Provider Identifier-Individual (HPI-I) number for the healthcare worker.
  9. Select Add User. Within minutes, that user receives a Welcome email message to activate their Oracle Health Immunization Management account.


    If necessary, you can add the same user to another location. To do this, repeat the steps in this procedure. But, select the new location where you want to add the user.