Add Financially Responsible Party

The responsible party (also called a guarantor) is the person who is responsible for paying for any health visits. This person might be yourself or an authorized representative.

You can add or edit the details for the financially responsible party, including the relationship to patient, and your insurance, secondary insurance, and policyholder information.
To add or edit your responsible party:
  1. From the User (Switch Profile) menu, select Profile.
  2. Scroll to the Financial section.
  3. In the Responsible Party section, select Add Responsible Party to add a responsible party. Alternatively, select Edit or Remove from the More Actions Ellipsis for More Actions menu to edit or remove an existing responsible party.
  4. Add or update the responsible party's details including first name, last name, date of birth, relationship to the patient, and phone number.
  5. Optionally, enter additional details such as the title, address, and any other relevant details. The information you enter is always stored securely and safely.
  6. When you are finished updating the responsible party, select Save.