Edit Demographics (Personal Details)

You can view and edit personal details (also called demographics) from the User (Switch Profile) page and also when you register or check in to an appointment. You might be unable to edit some details because your organization requires you to prove your identity.

Identity proofing is a process in which a trained agent (for example, front desk staff) collects and verifies information to prove that a patient is who they say they are. This step is typically performed for all new patients and again when the patient requests changes to key personal details, such as a name, date of birth, or email address. Your organization might have its own rules about how often you need to prove your identity and what types of information require it.
If your details are read-only, you can request these updates when you visit the office in person.
To manually add or edit personal details (as available to you):
  1. From the User (Switch Profile) drop-down list, select Profile.
  2. Scroll to the Demographics section. This section displays the information originally entered during the enrollment process.
  3. Select Edit Pencil for Edit to edit personal details such as: Title and suffix, marital status, birth sex, race and ethnicity, preferred language, personal email address, address, and phone numbers.
  4. When you are done making changes, select Save.