Recover a Forgotten Password

If you forgot your password, you can reset it after you verify your identity. Passwords are changed from the sign-in page.

To recover your password:
  1. Access the sign-in page and select Forgot password under the Password box. The Forgot Password page is displayed.
  2. Enter your username and select Next. A confirmation message is displayed. If the username you entered is associated with a registered account, a message is sent to that email address with instructions about how to reset your password. (Your username might be the same as your email.)
  3. Find and open your email and select the link for the reset password process. (Email messages might be located in your Spam folder. Be sure to also add the organization to your safe senders list.)
  4. Select Reset Password in the email. The Reset Password page is displayed.
  5. Enter a new password that meets your organization's requirements.


    Each organization has different rules for the length and characters required in a password. See the password policy information on the Reset Password page for password requirements.
  6. Enter the same password in the Confirm Password box.
  7. Select Continue to continue to the Sign In page.
  8. On the Sign In page, enter your username and new password to sign in.