Sensitive Health Record Details

Your organization might mark certain types of test results or vital signs as Sensitive. Marking these details as Sensitive restricts the information from being viewed by authorized representatives of protected minors.

For example, the status of a person impacts what they see:
  • Protected minors: Protected minors are not yet legal adults but who have the ability to restrict portions of their health information from any authorized representatives who can access their account. The exact age varies between jurisdictions, but the default protected minor age is 13. Your organization might control how your organization's patient portal displays the protected information to authorized representatives. If a protected minor restricts sensitive data from view, you cannot view that information in the patient portal.
  • Managed adults: The adult age is the age at which a minor legally becomes an adult. By default, the adult age is 18, but this age might be different based on your the law in your organization's location. Patient portal users who are an adult age have full control of their information and can choose which sections to restrict for any authorized representatives who can access their account.

Additionally, depending on your organization's settings, a delay in hours might be set between when a sensitive details are documented by the provider or care team and when they are displayed in the health record. The delay lets time for the provider to communicate those details directly to the patient.

When the details are finally committed to the health record, a message is displayed in the patient portal that includes the amount of time that passed before they were posted. Typically, a 48-hour delay happens between when the details are committed to the health record and when they are displayed in the patient portal.