Step 4: Review Receiving Hours

As an approval user, you can use the wizard to review and confirm the days and business hours when deliveries will be accepted.

To review the days and hours for receiving deliveries:
  1. In the Review Receiving Hours page, in the Site Details section, review the details entered by the requestor. For example:

    Step 4 Review Receiving Hours page - Site Details and Business Hours sections


    If you need to edit any of the receiving hours, select Exit to leave the wizard and follow the instructions in View and modify the site details for a request.
  2. Scroll to the Actions section. For example:

    Step 4 Review Receiving Hours page - Actions section

  3. In the required Verify Receiving Hours field, select one of the following options:
    • Receiving Hours are NOT Correct
    • Receiving Hours are Correct
  4. In the required Justification field, enter a description of your review of the entries on this page. You can enter text, or select a quick pick link (for example, Receiving hours reviewed).
  5. Select Reviewed. The wizard automatically advances to the next step.


    To continue in the wizard, see Step 5: Review Documentation. To leave the wizard select Exit.