Step 5: Review Documentation

As an approval user, you can use the wizard to review the documents that were uploaded by an administrator or partner.

To review the documentation:
  1. In the Review Documentation page, in the Site Details section, review the details entered by the requestor. For example:

    Step 5 Review Documentation page - Site Details and Documents sections

  2. In the Documents section, review the documents uploaded by the requestor and the status for each.
  3. To view the document details, select a status in the Action column in the table (for example, Review). The Maintain Documents panel opens.
  4. In the Maintain Documents panel, review the information in the Status, Name, Mandatory, Auto Add, Filename, and Document fields, and then do the following:
    • Select Download to download and view the document, if needed.
    • In the required Justification field, enter a description of your review of the entries on this page. You can enter text, or select a quick pick link (for example, Not all documents approved, All documents uploaded and approved, Documents already provided).

      If you approved a previous request and already provided the documents by working directly with an approved partner, you do not need to provide the requested documents a second time.

    • Select Reject if you do not approve the document.
    • Select Approve if you approve the document.
  5. Repeat steps 3 to 4 for each document, as needed.
  6. Scroll to the Actions section. For example:

    Step 5 Review Documentation page - Actions section

  7. In the required Justification field, enter a description that describes your review of the entries on this page. You can enter text, or select a quick pick link (for example, Not all documents approved, All documents uploaded and approved, Documents already provided).

    If you approved a previous request and already provided the documents by working directly with an approved partner, you do not need to provide the requested documents a second time.

  8. Do one of the following:
    • Select Documentation Incomplete if there are missing documents, there are documents that are not approved, or documentation is required but no records appear in the page.
    • Select Reviewed if all of the documents are reviewed, or if documentation is not required.

    The wizard automatically advances to the next step.


    To continue in the wizard, see Step 6: Complete Processing. To leave the wizard select Exit.