7 Administration Module

Below are the setup that is required to be configured in the OHC Administration module before setting up the EES Setup page.

Configure Nationality Groups

  1. This setup will be used at the EES Setup option under the Select Nationality Group To Include option.

  2. From the Administration Menu, select System Codes then the Nationality Groups.

  3. Right-click the mouse and select Add Nationality Group option to create a new record.

  4. Enter the description field and assign the Non-European nationality code to the Nationality Codes section. Click Apply to save the entry.

Configure Document Types

  1. This setup is used at the EES Setup option under the Select Travel Document Types(s) To Exclude option.

  2. From the Administration Menu, select System Codes then the Document Types.

  3. Right-click and select the Add Document Types option to create a new record.

Configure Transport Identification Number

  1. The Transport Identification number is one of the required fields needed by the EES request file. Therefore, the carrier operator would need to define the transport identification number on each cruise itinerary.

  2. From the Administration Menu, select System Setup then the System Cruise Setup.

  3. Select the setup Cruise and enter the transport identification number in the Itinerary ID field.

  4. Click Apply to save the changes.

Configure Arrival Port with Arrival Country

  1. Each of the arrival ports defined in the cruise itinerary would need to define the arrival country, as this is part of the required fields needed by the EES request file and the new user definable security alert setup “EES Status checking for the guest going ashore”.

  2. From the Administration Menu, select System Setup then the System Cruise Setup.

  3. Select the setup Cruise and expand the record for itinerary listing. Click on each itinerary record and define the country in the Arrival Country field.

  4. Click Apply to save the change.

New User Definable Security Alert Setup

In the Administration, Security Setup, User Definable Security Alert Setup, you will find the EES Status checking for the guest going ashore, enabling you to configure an alert for use in the Gangway Security module.

Once setup, the security alert will check on the arrival guest’s harbor country for the following European countries:
  • AX - Åland Islands

  • AT – Austria

  • BE – Belgium

  • BG – Bulgaria

  • IC - Canary Islands

  • HR – Croatia

  • CY – Cyprus

  • CZ - Czech Republic

  • DK – Denmark

  • EE – Estonia

  • FI – Finland

  • FR – France

  • GF - French Guiana

  • DE – Germany

  • GI – Gibraltar

  • GR – Greece

  • GP – Guadeloupe

  • HU – Hungary

  • IE – Ireland

  • IT – Italy

  • LV – Latvia

  • LT – Lithuania

  • LU – Luxembourg

  • MT – Malta

  • MQ – Martinique

  • YT – Mayotte

  • NL – Netherlands

  • PL – Poland

  • PT – Portugal

  • RE – Réunion

  • RO – Romania

  • MF - Saint Martin (French Part)

  • SK - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

  • SI – Slovenia

  • ES – Spain

  • SE - Sweden

Figure 7-1 User Definable Security Alert Setup

This figure shows User Definable Security Alert Setup field in OHC Administration