5 Processing Response File

After EES System verified the uploaded request file, they will return the guest manifest records with an updated status (OK, NA, NOK EES, NOK ETIAS), and provide a response file in CSV format. The response file is downloadable from EES System, after which you can upload it to Entry/Exit System application for processing following the below steps.

Uploading and Processing Response File

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System, and then EES Response File.

  2. Select Process button to open the Process Response File page.

  3. From the Add response file(s) section, use the drag and drop action to upload one or more downloaded response file (csv format) for processing.

  4. The selected response file appears on the page. Select the X icon to remove unwanted response files.

  5. The Process button is enabled once the response file is uploaded. Select the Process button to proceed and a dialog box with message ‘Processing of file(s) may take some time” appears. Selecting Cancel button will close the dialog box and the Process button will proceed.

  6. Once the file is processed successfully, a confirmation message ‘Response file(s) processed’ appears and records of generated EES response files with ‘completed’ status is shown on the list.

  7. If the user uploads an invalid file format, file not found in local computer or uploading response files that are already processed, an alert message ‘Some of the file(s) failed to process. Please review the file(s) and add again to process’ appears. You need to select the X icon to delete the invalid files or re-upload the response file for processing.

Searching for Response File

In the EES Response File page, the records shown in the listing section are the processed EES response files. You can search a record using one of the search filters - cruise itinerary, embarkation harbor and file id.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System, and then EES Response File.

  2. Perform a search using search filters Cruise itinerary, Embarkation Harbor or File ID.

  3. Selecting the Search button will bring up all the EES response file records that matches the search criteria.

Viewing Response File

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System and then EES Response File.

  2. On the EES Response File Listing page, select the desired record and then the Ellipsis button.

  3. Select View button to open View Response File page.

  4. There are three sections on this page:

    • Cruise Itinerary: Section shows the cruise itinerary details.

    • Response File: Section shows response file id, processed response file name and processed date and time.

    • Response File Record(s): Section shows guest details records with EES status.