5 Setting up SilverWhere Application Clients

There are different SilverWhere Application Clients based on the operational needs. The distributed clients are:

  • SilverWhere Desktop clients, used for desktop computers with the option to distribute the SilverWhere Database Installer executable

  • SilverWhere Mobile client, used for mobile devices

  • SilverWhere Secure Tools client, used for storing the database connection details

  • SilverWhere Interface client, used for synchronization between the Oracle Hospitality

SilverWhere Application Clients Prerequisites

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 features are enabled on the target machine

  • Minimum Oracle 12c Database client with ODAC is installed on the target machine. See topic Oracle Database Client and ODAC Installation

  • SAP Crystal Report runtime engine for .NET Framework (32–bit) version 13.0.x is installed on the target machine. See Document SilverWhere - How to Install/ Upgrade Crystal Reports runtime engine at Oracle Support Portal for further information

  • SilverWhere 9.2 release package is downloaded and available in the target machine. Refer to the Where to Download for download instructions

  • Ensure that the Windows Regional and Language Settings is configured to US/ UK and the language settings should be set to English on the target machine. This is to ensure that the functionalities work working as expected

  • Disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, and enable TLS 1.2. See Security Guide for more information

SilverWhere Application Clients Installation Steps

Install using the Setup.exe

SilverWhere Application Clients can be installed by running the setup.exe and left unattended until it completes the installation. Follow the instructions below to install the SilverWhere Application Clients:

  1. Download the SilverWhere Installer. See topic Where to download

  2. From the downloaded SilverWhere Installation File package, browse to the \OHC SilverWhere 9.2 Clients Setup folder and run the setup.exe

  3. At the SilverWhere Installer Welcome window, click the Next button to navigate to the next screen

  4. Select the applications you want to install on the machine

    • SW Desktop Applications

      • SilverWhere Database Installer

    • SilverWhere Mobile

    • SilverWhere Secure Tools

    • SilverWhere Interface

  5. Click the Next button to navigate to the next screen and confirm the installation process by clicking on Install

  6. The installation process is shown in the Status window. Upon completion of the installation process, click the Finish button to close the InstallShield Wizard

  7. A shortcut is placed on the desktop for each of the application clients, except for the SilverWhere Database Installer executable. It will be only placed to the C:\Program Files (x86)\OHCSilverWhere\SilverWhere Client folder

Setting up SilverWhere Secure Tools Client

For the SilverWhere Application Clients to connect to the SilverWhere Database, you must configure the SilverWhere Secure Tools Client:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 7 of Setting up SilverWhere Application Clients to install the client

  2. Open the SilverWhere Secure Tools Client by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop.

  3. A message appears if the database information cannot be retrieved. Confirm the message by clicking OK

  4. Provide the database information and click Apply. Confirm the success message by clicking OK

  5. Before you can continue the configuration in the SilverWhere Secure Tools client, you need to create a user for the newly created Authentication user group. Open the SilverWhere .Net Client by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop
  6. Navigate to the System Setup tab, and click the User Setup module

  7. Select the Authentication user group, and click Add User

  8. Enter the user details for the authentication user, for example USER ID = AUTH1, and click Save

  9. Select the Administrator user group and make sure authentication user is selected.

  10. Open the SilverWhere Secure Tools Client by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop, then enter the user credentials for the authentication user and click OK

  11. This launches the SilverWhere Secure Tools Client

    Figure 5-1 Secure Tools Clients

    This figure shows the Secure Tools Client Main Window
  12. Click the Secure Web URL button to open the below window

    Figure 5-2 Secure Login URL window

    This figure shows the Secure Login URL window
  13. Enter the URL, for example: IPWEBSERVICE /SWWeb or FULLDEVICENAME/SWWeb and confirm by clicking OK and then Cancel

  14. Click the Manage Web Secure Info button to open below window

    Figure 5-3 Manage Secure Information (Secure Web) window

    This figure shows the Manage Secure Information (Secure Web) window
  15. Enter the Database Connection details and confirm by clicking Apply

  16. Repeat steps 6 and 7 and add the below to below for Server/ Service Name to create the entry for the SWMobile application:


  17. Click the Read Web Secure Info button to view all the configured database connection details

  18. Click on the Manage Auth Service button to open the below window

    Figure 5-4 Manage Authentication Service connection window

    This figure shows the Manage Authentication Service connection window
  19. Enter the URL, for example: FULLDEVICENAME/SWAuthentication or <IP Address>/SWAuthentication and confirm by clicking OK

  20. Complete the process by clicking on OK

  21. Click Manage Auth Info, select the first secure server from the drop-down menu and enter the user and user password for the authentication user (created in steps 16 to 19) in the Manage Authentication Information window

  22. Complete the process by clicking Apply and then OK

  23. Repeat steps 21 and 22 and select the second secure server from the drop-down menu

    Other functionalities in the SilverWhere Secure Tools client are:

    • Update Secure Information:

      • To update the password of a Secure Info entry, click the Read Web Secure Info button and double click the entry, and enter the password

    • Delete Secure Information:

      • To delete the Secure Info entry, click the Read Web Secure Info button, select the entry and press the Delete key on the keyboard

  24. Verify Auth Service Connection:

    • To verify the SWAuthentication Web Service Connection, click the Verify Auth Service Connection button and press Verify

  25. Verify Web Service Connection:
    • To verify the Web Service Connection, click the Verify Web Service Connection button and press Verify

Creating SilverWhere par files

For the SilverWhere Clients to connect to the SilverWhere Database, the SWSecurity.par, the SMSecurity.par, the SWWebSecurity.par file and the SWAuthService.par files must to be created. All files will be stored under the C:\ProgramData\SilverWhere folder.

SWSecurity.par file

The SWSecurity.par file is used by the Secure Tools Client and it gets created when opening the Secure Tools for the first time and entering the database information. See steps 6-7 above.

SWWebSecurity.par file

The SWWebSecurity.par file is used by the SilverWhere Client to connect to the database. Follow the instructions listed below in order to create the SWWebSecurity.par file:

  1. Open the IIS Manager, select the SilverWhere Secure and SWMobile Web Service (for example, SWWeb) and click Restart

  2. Click on Browse to launch the web browser

  3. Click on MMSFunctions.asmx and then on Invoke to create the SWWebSecurity.par file

SWAuthSecurity.par file

The SWAuthSecurity.par file is created when clicking Verify Auth Service Connection

for the first time and entering the database information. See steps 13 to 15 of Setting Up SilverWhere Secure Tools Client.

SWAuthInfo.par file

The SWAuthInfo.par file is used by the SilverWhere SWMobile Client to authenticate the SilverWhere Web Services. It is also being used by the SilverWhere Application Clients to connect to database (residing on a different VM). This file contains the authentication user credentials.

SMKeyInfo.par file

This file contains the key to encrypt/ decrypt the local SQLite Database, created during the initial launch of the SilverWhere SWMobile Client.

Follow the instructions listed below to change the encryption key of the local database:
  1. Delete the SMKeyInfo.par file

  2. Delete the local database file in \Users\CurrentUser \AppData\Local\SWMobile\Database\SWDB9.2.0.0.db3

  3. Restart the SilverWhere SWMobile Application


The connection to the SilverWhere Database is only possible when the Database TNS Connection for SilverWhere Secure and SWMobile Web Service is properly setup and with the correct SilverWhere Database password. The password is stored in a protected OHCSWSecurity.par file on SilverWhere Web Service Server in \Users\Public\Documents\Oracle Hospitality Cruise directory. This OHCSWSecurity.par file will be updated with the port number of the SWAuthentication web service and the authentication information of the SWAuthentication web service.

For SilverWhere to run without the administrator privilege, the OHCSWSettings.par file is required.

Setting up SilverWhere and SilverWhere Reports Client

To configure SilverWhere .Net, SilverWhere or SilverWhere Report Client on the target machine, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 7 of Setting up SilverWhere Application Clients to install the client

  2. Open the SilverWhere Client application by double clicking on the icon on the desktop

    Figure 5-5 Database Information Window

    This figure shows the Database Information Window
  3. Select the DB Type and enter the User and the System/DNS. Confirm by clicking OK

  4. Enter the URL in the Secure Login Window, for example: IPWEBSERVICE /SWWeb or FULLDEVICENAME/SWWeb (same as was used for Configuring SilverWhere Secure Tools Client - Step 6) and confirm by clicking OK

    Figure 5-6 Secure Login URL — SilverWhere .Net Client

    This figure shows the Secure Login URL for SilverWhere .Net Client

    Figure 5-7 System Login Window — SilverWhere .Net Client

    This figure shows System Login Window — SilverWhere .Net Client
  5. Enter the ADMIN user details given in Setting Up New SilverWhere 9.2 Database - Step 10 and click the OK button to login to the application

  6. Open the SilverWhere or SilverWhere Report application by double clicking on the icon on the desktop

Setting up SilverWhere Mobile Client

To configure the SilverWhere Mobile Client on the target machine, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 7 of Setting up SilverWhere Application Clients to install the client

  2. Open the SilverWhere Mobile Client by double clicking on the icon on the desktop

    Figure 5-8 Web server address screen

    This figure shows the Web server address screen
  3. Enter the web service address, for example: IPWEBSERVICE /SWWeb or FULLDEVICENAME/SWWeb, same as it was used for Setting up SilverWhere Secure Tools Client (step 6) and confirm by clicking Done

    Figure 5-9 SilverWhere Mobile Login Screen

    This figure shows the SilverWhere Mobile Login Screen
  4. Click on Login, enter the User Credentials and press DONE to login to the SilverWhere Mobile Client

Setting up SilverWhere GDF Interface Client

The SilverWhere GDF Interface consists of two parts, namely the GDF Configuration executable and the GDF Templates. Oracle Hospitality Cruise provides the GDF Templates for the purpose of data synchronization and is configurable based on the operational needs. You must import them using the GDF Configuration executable.

SilverWhere GDF Interface Prerequisites

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 features are enabled on the target machine

  • Minimum Oracle 12c Database client with ODAC is installed on the target machine. See Oracle Database Client and ODAC Installation

  • SilverWhere 9.2 release package is downloaded and available in the target machine. Refer to the Where to Download for download instructions

SilverWhere GDF Interface configuration

To configure the SilverWhere GDF Interface on the target machine, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 7 of Setting up SilverWhere Application Clients to install the client

  2. Open the SilverWhere GDF Interface Client by double clicking on the icon on the desktop

  3. See General Dynamic Interface Guide for more information on how to configure the interface


Upgrade of ODAC

If you are upgrading ODAC on the server where GDF is installed, ensure to run the ‘Include_EntityFramework_dll.bat’ to register the Oracle.Managed.DataAccess.EntityFramework.dll on the server.