April 2024 ReadMe


This document contains a list of upcoming major changes to Oracle Hospitality APIs.

What will Change Details of the Change Target Product and Version Impact Call to Action

Applying limits on query parameters

We are introducing major changes to many of our Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Property APIs to enhance performance and optimize resource usage. As part of these updates, we will be implementing new limits on certain request parameters. For example, limits on date ranges and pagination. Details of the limits and which operations have been enhanced can be found attached.

For now, if you continue to use the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Property APIs without applying the new limits, the operations will respond as usual. However, you will receive a warning in the response body to all operations which now have limits defined, informing you of these new limits. You will see these response warning messages from the OPERA Cloud 24.1 release.

In Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud 24.3, we will begin enforcing these new limits. At that point, not adhering to the new limits while making API calls will result in an error.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud 24.4

Not adhering to the new limits will result in an error.

Adapt API calls to the new limits using pagination and orchestration.

Example 1: Date range limit

Calling the getHotelRooms (FOF) operation specifying a 365-day date range. When the new limits are applied, the caller will have to limit the hotelRoomStartDate and hotelRoomEndDate to be a maximum of 180 days apart. This will mean making two requests.


  1. {{HostName}}/fof/v1/hotels/{{HotelId}}/rooms?roomType=DLXK&hotelRoomStartDate=2023-01-01&hotelRoomEndDate=2023-10-30

  1. {{HostName}}/fof/v1/hotels/{{HotelId}}/rooms?roomType=DLXK&hotelRoomStartDate=2023-01-01&hotelRoomEndDate=2023-05-30

  2. {{HostName}}/fof/v1/hotels/{{HotelId}}/rooms?roomType=DLXK&hotelRoomStartDate=2023-06-01&hotelRoomEndDate=2023-10-30

Example 2: Pagination limit

Calling the getActivities (ACT) operation without sending the "limit" query parameter.  When the new pagination limits are applied, the caller will be required to send a limit of maximum 200.


  1. {{HostName}}/act/v1/hotels/{{HotelId}}/activities


  1. {{HostName}}/act/v1/hotels/{{HotelId}}/activities?limit=200&offset=0

  2. {{HostName}}/act/v1/hotels/{{HotelId}}/activities?limit=200&offset=201

oAuth token requests for Resource Owner environment will not allow using query parameters for username and password

The username and password are no longer supported as query parameters when requesting an oAuth token from a Resource Owner environment. The username and password must be sent as part of the request body for oAuth token requests.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud 24.3

The oAuth token request will fail.

Ensure you are passing the username and password in the body of the request.

Change of datatype for three operations

The below operations in the CRM Configuration API have a property "multipleRooms" that is an ENUMerated string with options "Two" through "Ten." This is becoming an integer datatype.
  • postMembershipTypes

  • putMembershipType

  • getMembershipType

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud 24.2

Using the listed operations and expecting a string in the "multipleRooms" field will result in a 400 error.

Change your implementation to send the number of rooms as an integer.

Change of response code for Asynchronous APIs

When the throttling limit is reached, the Asynchronous APIs will return a 429 error not a 400 error.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud 24.4

Code that expects a 400 error in this scenario will not work.

Implement a wait when receiving a 429 error. 400 errors will reflect invalid requests.

Error when changing the "Display Key Pin" when this is disabled in OPERA controls

The putHotelInterface operation allows many controls to be changed in hotel interfaces. But where this conflicts with an OPERA Cloud control, the putHotelInterface operation will now return an error. If the OPERA interface "Display Key Pin" is enabled, then it is still possible to use putHotelInterface to enable it on a hotel interface.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud 24.2

Setting "Display Key Pin" via putHotelInterface will not work unless that is enabled as an OPERA Control.

Orchestrate code to first check the same named OPERA Cloud Control using the getApplicationSettings operation before setting "Display Key Pin" on a hotel interface via putHotelInterface.

Array query parameters limited

The Housekeeping operation getHouseKeepingTasks has array query parameters such as "taskCodes." The number of items in each array query parameter is now limited to 40.

Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud 24.4

Sending too many items in the array query parameters will result in an error 400.

First, determine how many items really need to be sent in the array query parameters. Then if more than 40 items do need to be sent, split this into multiple requests where in each request the number of items in each array query parameter is no more than 40.