September 2023 ReadMe


This document contains a list of upcoming major changes to Oracle Hospitality APIs.

What will Change Details of the Change Target Product and Version Impact Call to Action

Promotion of the majority of Oracle Hospitality v0 API to v1. Deprecation of v0 APIs.

Oracle Hospitality Property APIs are currently available as v0 and v1, with v0 available on request through the early adopter program. All operations will now be v1, meaning that access to the early adopter program will not need to be requested to access any Property API. All v0 APIs will be deprecated and in 12 months' time, all v0 APIs will be removed.

Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform version 23.4

When the v0 APIs are removed, calls with /v0 in the URI will fail.

Change /v0 to /v1 in the URI of every API call to an Oracle Hospitality Property API.

OPERA Cloud Shared Security Domain will be replaced by OPERA Cloud Identity Management.

Oracle Hospitality Property APIs are secured by the OPERA Cloud Shared Security Domain, which for hoteliers also secures their access to the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform.


Most Oracle Hospitality APIs are secured by the Resource Owner grant, which requires clientId and clientSecret as well as an integration username and password to obtain an oAuth token.


Some customer environments will be moving to the OPERA Cloud Identity Management.

Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform version 23.3


OPERA Cloud Identity Management version 23.1

Hoteliers will not be able to log in to the developer portal without a user in OPERA Cloud Identity Manager.


It will not be possible to obtain an oAuth token without changing the client.

Follow the steps in Migrating to Client Credentials-Based Authentication Scheme only for environments that are migrated from a resource owner-based authentication scheme to client credentials-based authentication scheme.

The OPERA Cloud Channel Configuration API is deprecated.

All operations in the OPERA Cloud Channel Configuration API are deprecated.

Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform version 23.4

Managing distribution channels through the OPERA Cloud Channel Configuration API will not work as expected.

Move to the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Distribution product and review the latest documentation.