
Information about the guests, contacts, companies and agents your property does business with - known as profiles- plays a part in almost all the activities you perform in OPERA Cloud. The OPERA Cloud solution relies on current and accurate profile data, that includes not only names and contact information, but a variety of other details such as language, preferences, loyalty memberships, negotiated rates, and much more.  Profiles are also the basis for tracking statistics such as stay histories and revenue totals.

A profile is a collection of data about any of the following entities, each of which is a separate profile "type":

  • Guests: This profile type is primarily associated with guests, although other persons (such as your employees) can also have an individual profile. Having guest profiles on hand (for repeat guests) allows you to make reservations quickly and accurately because you already have on record many of the details you need to know. Dormant or incomplete guest profiles are purged according to the various profile purge OPERA Controls.

  • Contacts: Contacts have a dual identity in OPERA Cloud; each Contact is also a Guest type profile. Contacts are the individuals typically linked to a sales account. (Available when the Contacts OPERA Control is active).

  • Sales Accounts: Sales Accounts are used for businesses with which your property has commercial dealings. 

    • Companies: These are the businesses who book accommodation or catering events at your property, and so on.

    • Travel Agents: Sometimes simply called "agents," these are the professionals who book accommodation at your property for the guests who are their clients. Commission can be paid to Travel Agents.

    • Sources: Sources are other persons or organizations who are not travel agents but who are nevertheless responsible for bringing in business. For example, Sources can be, for example, secretaries who make travel arrangements for their companies' executives. Commission can be paid to Sources.

  • Groups: A group is an affiliation that sponsors business at your property. Group business might include any (typically) one-time affair such as a company conference or a wedding.

When Shared Profiles is enabled in Chain setup all profiles are shared across all properties.

In the event that duplication of profiles occurs, profiles can be merged to combine the details into a single profile. For more information, see Merging Profiles

When the Relationships OPERA Control is active you can establish links between various profiles; for example, establishing a parent-subsidiary company relationship.

When the Multi-language OPERA Control is active you can add an alternate name in profiles, allowing the name to be entered in the national character set (for example: Japanese Kanji or Hiragana). You can search for profiles using either the primary or alternate name. The alternate name can be generated on stationery for a fully localized document or email.

When OPERA Cloud is integrated with partner solution(s) you can lookup profile data in the external solution and download the details to OPERA Cloud; any changes to the profile are updated in the subscribed solutions. For more information, see Using Profile Lookup and Download with Integrated Solutions It's also possible to enroll a guest in a Loyalty solution integrated with OPERA Cloud. For more information, see Enrolling Guests in External Loyalty Programs

When subscribed to the Oracle Hospitality OPERA ID Document Scanning Cloud Service and integrated with the ID scanning partner you can scan identification documents and update the guest profile with the details captured.

Loyalty badge. With an OPERA Cloud Loyalty Services subscription, you can manage a loyalty program; including membership enrollment, tier management and member transaction options. For more information, see Membership (Loyalty Cloud Service)