About City Tax Package Function

The City Tax package function can be configured to calculate and post a charge according to local city requirements; the tax charge can be based on a percentage of gross or net room revenue or posted as a flat amount according to amount ranges.

The following parameters are available within the package function setup:
  • Purpose of Stay Start: You must configure Purpose of Stay codes with the code Description starting with the value entered.

  • Purpose of Stay: You must configure Purpose of Stay codes matching the codes entered.

  • Predefined amount ranges. For more information, see Configuring City Tax Ranges

  • Net rate amount (rate amount to consider for calculation after taxes are deducted) or Gross rate amount (rate amount to consider for calculation before taxes are deducted.

  • Percentage of the applicable rate amount.

  • Number of children (if child rate buckets are configured).

  • Special Calculation Rule (where the city tax is calculated by the number of people in the room, and posted based on the number of adults in the room).

  • Packages to Include (any package that is configured with a lodging transaction code).

  • Maximum Number of Nights to Post Charge

Purpose of Stay Configuration

Configure Purpose of Stay codes. See Configuring Purpose of Stay .

If you are using Purpose of Stay Start parameter to identify eligible purpose of stay codes, start the Description field with the character specified. For example, ifPurpose of Stay Start  is *, create code descriptions such as *City Tax.

OPERA Controls

The Automatically Refresh Rates on Reservation Reservation OPERA Control must be set to Purpose of Stay. See OPERA Controls — Reservations.

The Purpose of Stay for City Tax Calculation Cashiering OPERA Control determines a default Purpose of Stay if null in reservations. See OPERA Controls — Cashiering.

City Tax Package Code Setup

City Tax is set up as Package. Select CITY_TAX in the Formula field of Package Code Posting Attributes.

Table 13-8 Set values for the CITY_TAX parameters

Parameter Data Type Example Example

Purpose of Stay Start (Starting character in Purpose of Stay Description )




Purpose of Stay (Codes)




(Use) Amount Ranges See Configuring City Tax Ranges.




Room (Charge) 'Net' or 'Gross'








Special Calculation Rule (Dresden).


Child One (Available if Child Rates by Defined Buckets OPERA Control is active).




Child Two (Available if Child Rates by Defined Buckets  OPERA Control is active).




Child Three (Available if Child Rates by Defined Buckets OPERA Control is active).




Packages To Include  (Lodging type transaction code).




Number of Nights to Post (Available for Post Every Night posting rhythm).





Enter parameters using single quotes, except for the Percentage and Number of Nights to Post fields.

The Package Posting Attributes can be setup as Included in Rate, Add to Rate - Separate Line or Add to Rate - Combined Line.


For a reservation to qualify for the city tax package charge, select a Purpose of Stay value according to the setup of the City Tax Package Code.

Purpose of Stay is added to the Stay Details panel using Page Composer.