About Reservation Advanced Deposit Handling

The Advanced Deposit Handling OPERA Control determines how deposit payments are processed. 

The following advanced deposit handling options are available:

Mode 0 - Print Deposit Receipt. This option automatically generates a deposit receipt.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box selected and disabled (cannot be unchecked). A deposit receipt will always be printed. This is the default setting.

Mode 1 - Print Deposit Receipt Optional. This option allows you to choose whether or not to generate a deposit receipt.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled and checked. Unselect the check box if you do not want to print a deposit receipt.

Mode 2 - Print Tax on Deposit Receipt. This option allows you to identify a tax invoice number that will appear on the deposit receipt.

  • Sample_payment_tax must be defined as the deposit receipt template. For more information, see Stationery Report Groups.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A separate field (Manual Tax Invoice Number) is available for manual entry of the tax invoice number if you want to print tax on the deposit receipt.

Mode 3 - Print Folio for Deposit Receipt.  This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers.


Folio tax is not updated with consumption changes for the first bill after check in.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre - posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 4 - Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Calculate Tax at Bill Generation. This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers.


The first bill after check-in will update the folio tax  based on consumption.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, a list of the profiles linked with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre-posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select OK form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 5 - Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Apply Country Condition for Printing of Folio.  This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers.


Folio tax is not updated with consumption changes for the first bill after check in. Folio Type selection (Fattura/Ricevuta) will display for Italy country mode.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers.)

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 6 - Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Calculate Tax at Bill Generation. Apply Country Condition for Pre-posting. This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers.


The first bill after check-in will update the folio tax  based on consumption.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).


    The country mode value is checked and if it is CO, PE, or GT, pre-posting is not allowed if the deposit is being made in the same month as the arrival date.
  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 7 - Print Deposit Receipt, Print Tax on Deposit Receipt. This option allows you to identify a tax invoice number that will appear on the deposit receipt.

  • Sample_payment_tax must be defined as the deposit receipt templates. For more information, see Stationery Report Groups.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box selected and enabled. Unselect the check box if you do not want to print a deposit receipt. A separate field (Manual Tax Invoice Number) is available for manual entry of the tax invoice number if you want to print tax on the deposit receipt.

Mode 8 - Print Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt. This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers.


Folio tax is not updated with consumption changes for the first bill after check in.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box selected and enabled. Unselect the check box if you do not want to print a deposit receipt. A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 9 - Print Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Calculate Tax at Bill Generation. This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers.


The first bill after check-in will update the folio tax  based on consumption.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box selected and enabled. Unselect the check box if you do not want to print a deposit receipt.  A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 10 - Print Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Apply Country Condition for Printing of Folio.  This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers.


Folio tax is not updated with consumption changes for the first bill after check in. Folio Type selection (Fattura/Ricevuta) will display for Italy country mode.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers.)

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box selected. Unselect the check box if you do not want to print a deposit receipt. A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 11 - Print Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Calculate Tax at Bill Generation, Apply Country Condition for Pre- posting. This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers.


The first bill after check-in will update the folio tax  based on consumption.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).


     The country mode value is checked and if it is CO, PE, or GT, pre-posting is not allowed if the deposit is being made in the same month as the arrival date.
  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box selected. Unselect the check box if you do not want to print a deposit receipt. A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 12 - Print Tax on Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt.  This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers. In addition, you can identify a tax invoice number that will appear on the deposit receipt.


Folio tax is not updated with consumption changes for the first bill after check in.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled  but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A separate field (Manual Tax Invoice Number) is available for manual entry of the tax invoice number if you want to print tax on the deposit receipt.

  • A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 13 - Print Tax on Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Calculate Tax at Bill Generation. . This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers. In addition, you can identify a tax invoice number that will appear on the deposit receipt.


The first bill after check-in will update the folio tax  based on consumption.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled  but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A separate field (Manual Tax Invoice Number) is available for manual entry of the tax invoice number if you want to print tax on the deposit receipt.

  • A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 14 - Print Tax on Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Apply Country Condition for Printing of Folio.  This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers. In addition, you can identify a tax invoice number that will appear on the deposit receipt.


 Folio tax is not updated with consumption changes for the first bill after check in. Folio Type selection (Fattura/Ricevuta) will display for Italy country mode.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).

  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box enabled but unchecked. Select the check box to print a deposit receipt. A separate field (Manual Tax Invoice Number) is available for manual entry of the tax invoice number if you want to print tax on the deposit receipt.

  • A folio will print automatically, with or without the deposit receipt, when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 15 - Print Tax on Deposit Receipt, Print Folio for Deposit Receipt, Calculate Tax at Bill Generation, Apply Country Condition for Pre- posting.  This option allows you to generate a folio as well as a deposit receipt. It also allows you to pre-post transactions to the guest's Billing screen as Deposit Transfers. In addition, you can identify a tax invoice number that will appear on the deposit receipt.


The first bill after check-in will update the folio tax  based on consumption.
  • To use this option, activate the Folio No Reprint OPERA Control.

  • When the Post Deposit action is selected from the Deposit and Cancellation screen, an list listing the profiles associated with the reservation appears. You can select the profile name you want to appear on the folio for pre- posted transactions.

  • When you have selected a profile from the list, the Transaction Posting screen appears; this screen allows you to pre-post transactions. (These transactions will appear on the reservation account (Billing) as Deposit Transfers).


    The country mode value is checked and if it is CO, PE, or GT, pre-posting is not allowed if the deposit is being made in the same month as the arrival date.
  • When you close the Transaction Posting screen, the Reservation Deposit Payment screen appears with the Print check box selected and enabled. A separate field (Manual Tax Invoice Number) is available for manual entry of the tax invoice number if you want to print tax on the deposit receipt.

  • A folio and a deposit receipt will print automatically when you select the OK action form the Reservation Deposit Payment screen.

Mode 16 - Deposit folio with collecting agent tax and calculate taxes at bill generation (Available when the Collecting Agent Taxes OPERA Control is active).

  • This mode behaves like mode 4 and calculates collecting agent taxes on deposits paid. Upon creation of the deposit folio, if Collecting Agent Taxes are generated based on the Collecting Agent Tax configuration, these charges are added to the deposit folio

  • After check-in and during the first folio generation, a check is performed to ensure the Collecting Agent Tax amount already posted at the time the deposit folio was generated is sufficient or whether an amount should be credited or an additional amount should be posted to the folio (similar to the way normal taxes are handled).

  • The following formula is used to calculate collecting agent taxes when a deposit amount exists:

    • Total Tax To Post = Total deposit collecting agent tax + collecting agent tax for (Current_net_amount - Total_deposit_net_amount).
    • Where: Total deposit collecting agent tax = total collecting agent tax posted for the deposit amount, for that tax code.
      • Current_net_amount = Total consumption net amount for the current bill, for that tax code.

      • Total_deposit_net_amount = Total net amount for the deposit bill, for that tax code.