Creating Events

Catering events and sub events are associated with a block; certain fields inherit their details from details in the block. When the Single Block Status OPERA Control is active, the status of events is the same as the status of the block they are linked to.


Events cannot be created for a master block when the Master Sub Block OPERA Control is active. The Event Attendees field of the block must contain a value to be able to create an event.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and select Manage Blocks.

  2. Enter or confirm the Property, enter any additional search criteria, and click Search.

  3. From search results, locate the block, click the I Want To . . . action, and select Event from the Create column.

  4. In the Event Details panel, select or confirm the property depending on whether you are working at the Hub level or Property level.
    1. Event Type: Select the Event Type, such as breakfast, reception, breakout session, or so on. If the Event Type you select has configured start and end times, the Start Time and End Time fields automatically populate.

      If the Event Forecast Maintenance is configured, the Forecasted Revenue amount for each Event Type automatically populates on the event. You can edit the Forecasted Revenue on the Event Revenue Summary Panel after creating the event.

    2. Event Name: The Event Name automatically populates from the Event Type. You can edit the name up to 60 characters.

    3. Event Status: Populates with the Catering Status on the Block. Select a new status as required. The event status determines whether the Function Space and any Event Resources are deducted from inventory.

    4. Start Date: Defaults to the Block Start Date. You can edit the date, but it must fall within the Block Dates or the Block Shoulder Dates if they exist. The Block and Shoulder dates are visible in the block Business Card or in the calendar icon. Type the date directly in the field or use the calendar icon to select the date.

    5. End Date: Defaults to the Block Start Date and is read-only. When the Start date is changed, the End date automatically updates.

    6. Start and End Time: Defaults if a value is configured for the selected Event Type, but can be edited.

      You can have an event that spans two days, for example, a reception from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. If the end time is past midnight, the end date adjusts to the next day automatically. Events cannot exceed a 24-hour period. If the end time entered exceeds 24 hours, a warning message appears.

    7. Expected Attendees: This is an estimate of the number of guests expected to attend the event and is used for forecasting revenue. The number populates automatically from the attendees listed on the block, but can be edited.

    8. Guaranteed Attendees: Enter the guaranteed number of attendees. This is the contracted minimum number of attendees that will attend the event and reflects as Guaranteed Revenue. If the Guaranteed check box on the block is selected, the Guaranteed Attendees field populates automatically.

    9. Actual Attendees: After the event takes place, enter the number of attendees that actually attended. This value will be the billed amount of Attendees and determines the amount charged to the client. If the Catering Status on the block is set to Actual, the Actual Attendees field populates automatically.

    10. Space: Select a space for the event. You will have the option to Show Available Spaces or Show All Spaces. By default, the option for Show Available Space is selected and lists spaces not reserved for events in Deduct or Actual status for the selected date/time. After selecting a space, the Space Rental Code field and Setup Style field become mandatory. Any default values configured for the space automatically populate the following fields: Rental Code, Setup Style, Setup Time, Tear Down Time, and Rental Amount. If you select a space that requires an alternate, an asterisk (*) is indicated and you are forced to select an alternate function space. Click the Select Alternate Space button.

      1. Click Show Available Spaces to list spaces not reserved for Events in deduct or actual status for the selected date/time.


        If other events are booked in the space, they appear in the Events Booked in Shareable Space popup. To book the space so no other events can occupy the room at the same time, select the Book As Exclusive check box.
      2. Click Show Selected Spaces to list only the spaces that have been selected as Alternates.

        After selecting a space, the Rental Code field and Setup Style field become mandatory. Any default values configured for the space automatically populate the following fields: Rental Code, Setup Style, Setup Time, Tear Down Time, and Rental Amount. If you select a space that requires an alternate, an asterisk appears and you are required to select an alternate function space. Click the Select Alternate Space button. Refer to: Managing Alternate Space Events


        When the Event Waitlist OPERA Control is active and you select a function space that is already booked by an event that is part of a different block, you will receive the following message: Function space is not Available. Do you want to Waitlist? Select Yes to add the event to the Wailist. For more information, see Managing Event Waitlist.
    11. Space Rental Code and Rental Amount: Select from a list of available Rental Codes for the selected space. If you select Custom Rental Code, you must enter a custom Rental Amount. The Discount field then becomes disabled, and you cannot discount the rate. If the Rental Code has a pre-configured amount attached to it, you cannot edit the Rental Amount field. However, the Discount field becomes enabled for discounting the rate.


      When Use Forecast Value is active and room rental is assigned to an event, the revenue appears automatically as forecast and expected revenue. If Use Forecast Value is inactive and room rental is assigned to an event, the revenue appears as expected revenue only.
    12. Discount: Enables you to enter a discount percentage if the Rental Code has a pre-configured amount attached. See Applying Discounts to Event Resources on Blocks.

    13. Setup Style: Select a style for the selected space. If the number of attendees on the event is outside of the Setup Style minimum and maximum capacity range, you are prompted to override the space capacities. This requires the override user task. If you do not have the user task, you can adjust the number of attendees or select a different setup style and/or space.

    14. Setup Time and Tear Down Time: Enter the time needed to set up and tear down the event space. These values might default based on the Setup Style selected . The time is added to the start/end time of the event to determine the total amount of time the room is booked and is included in any event space overbooking warning.

    15. Display Doorcard: Selected by default. If selected, the check box indicates the doorcard should be displayed on reports or sent to external AV systems such as door card display solutions.

    16. Doorcard: The field is populated automatically based on the value in the block Post As field. Changes to the Post As field on the block automatically update the event Doorcard field. If the Post As field on the block is populated, the Doorcard field defaults to the block doorcard. Changes to the Post As field on the block automatically update the event Doorcard field.

    17. Loud Event: Provides a warning to colleagues who might want to avoid booking their clients in the adjoining space. The Loud Events flag appears on the Function Diary.

    18. Do Not Move: Prevents anyone from changing the date, time, or space of the event. Requires the Set Do Not Move user task.

    19. Include Event In Package. Select the check box to add the event to the existing package associated to the block (available when one or more catering packages are associated to the block).

    20. Linked Catering Package. Select the Catering Package to which the event should be associated (available when more than one catering package is associated to the block).

    21. Include Space in Package. Select the check box when the rental price for the event space should be included in the package price and not charged separately.

  5. After entering the event details, select from the following actions:
    1. Select Alternate Space: Saves your new event and takes you to Manage Alternate Space.

    2. Save and Manage Resources: Saves your new event and takes you to Manage Event Resources.

    3. Save and Copy Event: Saves your new event and copies (clones) the event as a new event. For more information, see Copying Events to Other Dates.

    4. Save and Create Another Event: Saves your new event and takes you into the creation process for the next event.

    5. Save and Create Sub Event: Saves your new event and takes you into the create sub-event process. For more information, see: Managing Sub Events

    6. Save and Manage Event: Saves your new event and takes you to For more information, see  Manage Event.

    7. Save: Saves your new event