Planned Maintenance Periods

Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services perform patches and updates to all the managed system components on the cloud infrastructure to maintain their performance and security. The primary goal of preventive maintenance is to maintain all customer environments in optimal working conditions.

These maintenance periods are divided into two main types:

  • Database (DB) or Central Processing Unit (CPU) Patching

  • Preventive Maintenance

Database or CPU Patching

To maintain the reliability and security of the environment Oracle performs quarterly Database and Central Processing Unit CPU patching. This patch is scheduled every quarter and all impacted customers are notified of the exact date and time through email.

Preventive Maintenance

Oracle is implementing the required collateral changes with system maintenance to conduct proactive service management, software bug fixes, security patching, and feature enhancements to meet committed Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) for hosted services.

The frequency of Preventive Maintenance is scheduled quarterly and all affected customers are informed of the exact date and time through email. Also, In addition, the customer receives an update on progress in accordance with the following:

  • Information on downtime starts.

  • Information about the completion of downtimes.

  • If applicable, log of the changes.

  • Environment post validation.

  • Clear notification on any issues encountered during the process.

For additional information on maintenance, refer to the Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services Pillar documents.