Contract Reference Integration Point

The purpose of this integration point is to create, update and delete contract references.

Design principles

This interface is implemented by web service messages. These messages are defined in a pair, using XML schemas (XSDs). The message pair consists of a request and a response. Request messages are sent by external interfaces.


  • The code of a contract reference cannot be changed through this integration point, as the code identifies a contract reference.

  • The description of a contract reference can be changed by sending in an existing contract reference with the new description.

  • Existing contract references can be deleted with this integration point. This is limited to those contract references that have not been used by claim lines or configuration components.

Request Message

Pseudo XML for the request message:


Response Message

Pseudo XML for the response message:

    <contractReference code="">
        <resultMessages result="">
            <resultMessage code="">
                message text

Error Messages

The following error messages that are specific to this integration point may be returned in the response messages:

Code Sev Message



Contract reference {code} is unknown and can therefore not be deleted



Contract reference {code} cannot be deleted because it has already been used

In addition, other messages not specific to this integration point may be returned as well (refer to the Common Features guide chapter on Integration Point Result Messages).