Coverage Regimes

A Coverage Regime represents a benefit calculation. It consists of a sequence of rules that apply intermediate calculations steps, each rule passing on its results to the next rule. Each rule typically represents a specific type of liability such as a deductible, a copayment or a benefit limit.

The Coverage Regime enables a wide variety of calculations, including tiered calculations in which the sequence of rules that are apply can change based on rules based on prior charges for the same patient and service. For example, consider a benefit that covers the first ten office visits per year in full, covers the next five at 20% Coinsurance and denies every visit past the 15th.

This chapter explains the concepts of the Coverage Regime, Periods, Tranches, and Cover Withhold Rules using a bottom-up approach. The example scenarios show various typical configurations.

Cover Withhold Rules, Categories, and Labels

Cover Withhold Rules are liability calculation rules. They specify coverage limit, withhold limit, and which limits accumulate. A Cover Withhold Rule has the following fields:

Cover Withhold Rule

Field Description


The timing of execution of this rule, relative to other Cover Withhold Rules.


Specifies whether this role withholds or covers an Amount.

Typically, the payer is liable for the Covered Amount, and the serviced Person, or a Relation related to the serviced object, is liable for the Withheld Amount.

Amount per unit

The Amount per unit that is covered or withheld.

Amount per unit currency

The Currency of the Amount per unit. It sets automatically to the Currency that the Coverage Regime specifies.


The percentage of the Amount that is covered or withheld.

Percentage based on

This field specifies the Amount that must be the basis of the calculation.
Values are the Coverage Labels that:

  • Represent the original (benefits input) Amount or

  • the outcome of a preceding Cover Withhold Rule or

  • have action type INPUT.

Result applied to

This field specifies the part of the benefits input amount that must apply calculation results.
The values are:

  • The remaining Covered Amount.

  • The remaining Withheld Amount.

  • The original benefits input amount.

  • A specific Coverage Label.

Business rule: It is important to select the third one on the first Cover Withhold Rule in a regime.

Coverage Label

The Coverage Label to which the result applies after selecting the fourth option.


Specifies the category of the Cover Withhold Rule, which drives the labels that associate with the results. Typical categories are:

  • Covered

  • Coinsurance

  • Copayment

  • Deductible

  • Penalty

  • Benefit limit


Specifies a message that shows with the Claim Line when applying this Cover Withhold Rule to the Claim Line, and the Covered (or withheld) Amount is greater than zero. Substitution parameters for the message:

  1. The Amount per unit Covered (or Withheld) is post-fixed by a space and the Currency display code of the Amount per unit.

  2. The Covered (or Withheld) Percentage.

  3. The type of rule (Action).

  4. The resulting Amount after the Cover Withhold Rule, before applying any limits post-fixed by a space and the Currency display code of the resulting Amount.

  5. Description of the Product.

  6. Description of the Benefit Specification.

  7. Benefit Specification Procedure Group 1 usage concatenated with the Procedure Group 1 Description or the Procedure Condition usage concatenated with the Procedure Condition Description (Procedure Group takes precedence when specifying both).

  8. Benefit Specification Diagnosis Group usage concatenated with the Diagnosis Group description or the Diagnosis Group Condition description.

  9. Benefit Specification Age From and Age To.

  10. Benefit Specification Gender description.

A Cover Withhold Rule specifies either an Amount or Percentage, both of which apply per rendered service unit. It is possible to omit both Amount and Percentage. This is how a benefits configuration user would set up the rule when he or she wants to configure parametrized coverage regimes.

Configuring the Amount or Percentage or setting Cover Withhold Rules during runtime through parametrization does not matter to explain how Cover Withhold Rules work. The rest of this chapter assumes that the Cover Withhold Rule contains the specification for the Amount or Percentage. Read the Product Definition Developer Guide for more details on this feature.

If there is over one rule, each rule is applied in the order specified by the sequence. If a Cover Withhold Rule specifies a Percentage, distinguish between the Amount on which the Percentage is based and the Amount on which the result is applied. To clarify this distinction, consider the following scenario:

A payer requires a $20 copay for doctor visits. Once the copay has been applied, the payer withholds an additional 10% based on the benefits input amount. Suppose a doctor visit Claim comes in for a benefits input amount of $100. The copay is applied first, splitting the amount up into two smaller amounts: the $20 copay that is withheld and the remaining $80. Next, the payer withholds 10% based on the benefits input amount. The original benefits input amount was $100, and therefore, the payer withholds an additional $10. However, that additional $10 withhold is not applied to the original Amount (which served as the basis for the percentage calculation), but rather to the $80 that remained after the copay was applied.

To clarify the purpose of the sequence, action, amount, percentage, percentage based on and result applied to, consider the following scenario:

Suppose that for a doctor’s visit a person has a $20 copay and a 20% Coinsurance. The copay is applied before the Coinsurance. Such a benefit would be specified by the following Cover Withhold Rules. The values within brackets represent the Cover Withhold Rule fields:

  1. <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount.

  2. <Withhold> <20%> of the <amount remaining after copay> applied to the <remaining covered> amount.

The benefits input amount for the doctor’s visit is $100. The first rule withholds $20 of the original $100, leaving a covered running total of $80. The second rule is calculated on the basis of the amount that remains after the copay has been applied, that is, 20% of $80 adds up to $16. The result of the second rule is applied to the covered running total of $80. Whatever is left after the second rule is applied, that is, $64, is covered by the payer.

Now suppose that the payer wants to provide the claimant with a specification of the applied benefits. In the given example, it would not suffice to simply inform the claimant that he will be reimbursed for $64. The claimant would want to know where the other $36 has gone. A benefit specification would at least have to state:

  • Benefits input amount $100

  • Withheld $20 due to "Copay"

  • Withheld $16 due to "Coinsurance"

  • To be paid: $64

To be able to provide such a specification, each of the Cover Withhold Rules needs to have a label, such as "Copay" or "Coinsurance". In Claims, such labels are assigned through the cover withhold category associated with the cover withhold rule. When a Cover Withhold Rule is processed, regardless of the applied action, the benefits input amount is split into two parts: the amount covered, and the amount withheld. The cover withhold category specifies labels for both of these parts:

Cover Withhold Category

Field Description


Identifier of the category.

Label Covered Amount

After a Cover Withhold Rule with this cover withhold category has been applied, this is the label that is associated with that part of the amount that is covered.

Label Withheld Amount

After a Cover Withhold Rule with this cover withhold category has been applied, this is the label that is associated with that part of the amount that is withheld.

Suppose the payer has set up two Cover Withhold Categories:

  • Category <Copay> with:

    • Withhold label <Copay withheld>

    • Cover label <Amount after copay>

  • Category <Coinsurance> with:

    • Withhold label <Coinsurance withheld>

    • Cover label <Amount after Coinsurance>

Now suppose the payer sets up the following Cover Withhold Rule, including a reference to the cover withhold category:

  1. <Withhold>`<20%>` of the <original> applied to the <original> as category <Coinsurance>.

Given a benefits input amount of $100, the benefit specification would state:

  • $100 benefits input amount

  • $20 <Coinsurance withheld>

  • $80 <Amount after Coinsurance>

  • $80 to be paid

In this simple scenario the benefits input amount is split up into a Covered ($80) and Withheld Amount ($20). Both Amounts are tagged with their corresponding labels. Now consider the inverse cover rule, which is functionally identical:

  1. <Cover> <80%> of the <original> applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>

Given the same benefits input amount, this rule would yield the exact same benefit specification, due to the fact that the same cover withhold category, that is, <Coinsurance>, is used.

Now let us consider a slightly more complex example. We define an additional subsequent rule, so that we now have:

  1. <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copay>

  2. <Withhold> <20%> of the <Amount after Copay> amount, applied to the <remaining covered> Amount as category <Coinsurance>.

Given a benefits input Amount of $100, the Benefit Specification would state:

  • $100 benefits input Amount

  • $20 <Copay withheld>

  • $16 <Coinsurance withheld>

  • $64 <Amount after Coinsurance>

  • Pay $64

What is important to notice is that the $80 <Amount after copay> that is a result from the first rule no longer exists, due to the fact that it is considered intermediate result. After the second rule has been processed, those $80 have been split up into two other amounts, that is $16 <Coinsurance withheld> and $64 <Amount after Coinsurance>.

It is important to use Cover Withhold Categories for assigning coverage labels. How those labels and the pertaining amounts are persisted in Claims is explained later in the section on Claim Line Coverage Rules.

In essence, labels allow us to put a name to the resulting Amounts of a Cover Withhold Rule. As such, an amount becomes tangible: we can put a name to each amount so that we can use that amount in subsequent Cover Withhold Rules. Another purpose of coverage labels is to allow for reinsurance: an amount that is withheld in a primary product is reinsured (that is, covered) in a supplementary product.

Consider the following scenario:

A person is subscribed to two products: one basic product and one supplementary product. The basic product states that the person has a $20 copay and a 40% Coinsurance for doctor visits. The supplementary product states that 100% of all copays as specified in the basic product is reinsured by the payer.

This scenario implies that the supplementary product is somehow able to distinguish the part of the benefits input amount that was withheld (in the basic product) due to copay from the part that was withheld due to Coinsurance. Such a thing is possible through the use of coverage labels. Before we discuss how reinsurance across products can be accomplished, we first take a closer look at a coverage label:

Coverage Label

Field Description


Identifier of the label.

Display Name

The display name of the coverage label.


The nature of the amount on which this label can be applied.

<covered>: Amounts that result from a calculation <withheld>: Amounts that result from a calculation <original>: The default input amount (typically the allowed amount) <input>: An input amount derived from other data elements on the claim line. This option is used when the calculation re-insures liabilities taken by the preceding payer.

Display Sequence

The display order of coverage labels on the claims page.

Reinsures (label)

Another coverage label that is reinsured by this label. This field must specify a label with the <withhold> action. This field may only be specified by <cover> labels.

Gets input through

Specifies a function dynamic logic that supplies the value for this label.

In the event that a Cover Withhold Rule specifies a cover withhold category in which the <cover> label reinsures another <withhold> label, the Cover Withhold Rule fields "Percentage based on" and "Result applied to" are no longer used: the calculation is both based upon and applied to the amount that is reinsured.

Consider the following scenario.

The payer from the previous scenario wants to configure Claims in such a way that the supplementary product fully reinsures all copays withheld by the basic product. The payer sets up the following six coverage labels, two for copay, two for Coinsurance and two for copay reinsurance.

  1. <Withhold> label <Copayment>

  2. <Withhold> label <Coinsurance>

  3. <Withhold> label <NOT REINSURED>

  4. <Cover> label <AMOUNT AFTER Copayment>

  5. <Cover> label <AMOUNT AFTER Coinsurance>

  6. <Cover> label <REINSURED Copayment> This label reinsures <Copayment>.

The payer sets up three cover withhold categories:

  • Category <Copayment>

    • With withhold label <Copayment>

    • And cover label `<AMOUNT AFTER Copayment

  • Category <Coinsurance>

    • With withhold label <Coinsurance>

    • And cover label <AMOUNT AFTER Coinsurance>

  • Category <Copayment REINSURANCE>

    • With withhold label <NOT REINSURED>

    • And cover label <REINSURED Copayment>

The basic product contains the following rule for doctor visits:

  1. <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copayment>.

  2. <Withhold> <40%> of the <AMOUNT AFTER Copayment> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

The supplementary product contains the following rule for doctor visits:

  1. <Cover> <100%> of <Copayment> on <Copayment> as <Copayment REINSURED>.

The products are set up in such a way that the basic product benefits are applied before the supplementary product benefits. How this is done is specified in another chapter.

Now suppose a doctor visit claim line comes in for a benefits input amount of $100. First the basic product Cover Withhold Rules are applied resulting in the following breakdown: $20 <Copay withheld>, $32 <Coinsurance withheld > and $48 <Amount after Coinsurance>.

Subsequently, the Cover Withhold Rule in the supplementary product is processed. Because the rule specifies the category <Copay reinsurance> Claims derives that the label <Copay reinsured> applies. This label is set up to reinsure the label <Copay withheld>. As a consequence, the Cover Withhold Rule checks to see if an amount with the label <Copay withheld> in the resulting labels of the preceding Cover Withhold Rule exists. The rule then finds an amount of $20 <Copay withheld> and so it derives that an additional $20 is covered.

The result:

  • $100 benefits input amount

    • $20 <Copayment>

    • $32 <Coinsurance>

    • $48 <Amount after Coinsurance>

    • $20 <Copayment reinsured>

  • $68 to be paid

Note that the order in which the coverage labels are stated depends on the display sequence of the coverage label. It is also worth noting that it is possible for two or more Cover Withhold Rules to make use of the same cover withhold category, hence, the same coverage labels. In such an event, after all the Cover Withhold Rules are processed, the amounts associated with those labels are simply added up. Examples of this are discussed in the section on claim line coverage rules and claim line coverages.

Each time a Cover Withhold Rule is processed (other than the first one) a coverage label that represents an intermediate amount is replaced by one or more 'new' coverage labels. The amounts of these new coverage labels have to add up to the exact same amount of the intermediate amount label that is replaced. Likewise, the amounts of the coverage labels that are the result of the very first Cover Withhold Rule must always add up to the benefits input amount. This restriction prevents Cover Withhold Rules from covering (or withholding) more than the original benefits input amount. Consider the following scenario:

A payer has set up the following rules:

  1. <Withhold> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category Coinsurance

  2. <Cover> <$20> applied to the <remaining withheld> amount as category`<Coverage>`

The category <Coverage> has a cover label <Covered>. A claim comes in for a benefits input amount of $100. The result of the first rule is $10 <Coinsurance withheld> and $90 <Amount after Coinsurance>. The second rule would replace the $10 <Coinsurance withheld>, which is the <remaining withheld amount>, with a $20 <Covered> label. Here we run into a restriction: if this replacement would be allowed, then the total covered amount would add up to $110, which is more than the benefits input amount we started with. Therefore, the amount of the new label “<Covered>” is restricted to the amount specified on the label that is being replaced, that is the $10 <Coinsurance withheld>. As a result of this restriction only $10 is labeled <Covered> rather than the $20 specified by the cover withhold rule.

The end result:

  • $100 benefits input amount

  • $90 <Amount after Coinsurance>

  • $10 <Covered>

  • $100 to be paid

Counting Towards Limits

A limit represents the configuration for a counter. Each limit has its own behavior in terms of renewal, carry over, individual or family, and so on. Limits are described in Adjudication Limits.

The use of the count towards limit configuration is deprecated. The recommended way to connect limits to coverage calculations is by using either product benefit specification limits or claim line limits.

Count Towards Limit Fields

Field Description

Cover Withhold Rule

The Cover Withhold Rule of which the result will count towards the specified limit.

Reached action

Specifies what should happen once the specified limit has been reached:


In the event of a cover limit, the limit excess should be withheld, in the event of a withhold limit, the limit excess should be covered


The rule contributes towards the limit, but reaching the limit has no impact on the cover withhold rule.


The limit towards which is counted.

Maximum Amount

The maximum amount against which the limit adjudicates

Maximum Amount Currency

The currency of the maximum amount; it is automatically set to the currency that is specified on the coverage regime.

Maximum Number of Units

The maximum number of units against which this limit adjudicates.

Maximum Service Days

The maximum number of distinct service days against which this limit adjudicates.

Limits may be counted in either amounts, distinct service days or number of units. It is not possible to let a single Cover Withhold Rule count towards limits that have different types.

One Cover Withhold Rule may count towards multiple limits (of the same type), for example the result of a rule counts both towards the insurable entity deductible and the family deductible simultaneously both of which are specified by a maximum amount. When a rule counts towards multiple limits, all limits are counted towards simultaneously. Once the first limit with <stop> action is reached, the rule no longer counts towards any of the limits.

Consider the following scenario:

The product has a limit that represents a yearly maximum liability per person of $3000 across all benefits. This limit has the code <Out Of Pocket Max>.

Additionally, the payer has set up the following rule for specialist visits:

  1. <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

    • Count the amount towards the <Out Of Pocket Max> and <stop> once the limit of <$3000> has been reached.

The payer receives a specialist visit claim line for $500 dollars. The current count for the out of pocket max is 2850 dollars. The resulting benefit specification states:

  • $500 Benefits input amount

  • $100 <Coinsurance withheld>

  • $400 <Amount after Coinsurance>

  • $400 to be paid

  • This claim line consumed $100 of the <Out Of Pocket Max> limit, making the current count $2950

Note that Claims keeps track how much was consumed on one or more particular limits per claim line, as reflected by the last bullet. Now suppose the payer receives a second claim for $500. Because this claim causes the <Out Of Pocket Max> to be reached and exceeded, the resulting benefit specification is different from the previous:

The rule specifies 20% of $500 to be withheld, which amounts up to a $100 Coinsurance. Before this result is applied, the $100 is counted towards the <out of pocket max>, but after only $50 the limit is reached. Because a <stop> action has been defined, only the first $50 is withheld, while the remaining $50 is not.

The results:

  • $500 Benefits input amount

  • $50 <Coinsurance withheld>

  • $450 <Amount after Coinsurance>

  • $450 to be paid

  • This service consumed $50 of the <Out Of Pocket Max> limit, making the current count $3000

The $450 <Amount after Coinsurance> is the sum of the $400 remaining after the Coinsurance, and the $50 that was not withheld as Coinsurance due to the fact that the <Out Of Pocket Max> limit was reached.

In general - given that the reached action is <stop> - any amount in excess of a cover limit is labeled with the withhold label as specified by the cover withhold category of the Cover Withhold Rule in question, and vice versa, any amount in excess of a withhold limit is labeled with the cover label as specified by the cover withhold category.

As stated before, it is possible for one Cover Withhold Rule to count towards more than one limit simultaneously.

Consider the following scenario:

The payer keeps track of two limits: a person level deductible and a family level deductible. Both limits are consumed at the same time but as soon as one of them is reached, both limits are considered to be met. The payer also requires a 20% Coinsurance that is applied before any deductibles.

  • Limit <Person Deductible>

  • Limit <Family Deductible>

The payer has set up a new cover withhold category for deductibles:

  • Category <Deductible>

    • Withhold label is <person and/or family deductible>

    • Cover label is <Amount after deductible>

The payer has set up the following rule for specialist visits:

  1. <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  2. <Withhold> <100%> of the <amount after Coinsurance> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Deductible>.

    • Count towards the <Person Deductible> and <stop> withholding once the limit of <$1500> is reached.

    • Count towards the <Family Deductible> and <stop> withholding once the limit of <$3000> is reached.

The current count for the person deductible is $1450. The current count for the family deductible is $2910. A specialist visit claim line comes in for a benefits input amount of $200.

After processing of the first rule, the benefits input amount is split up into $40 Coinsurance and a remaining amount of $160. Before the $160 is paid one of the deductibles must be fully consumed. Both limits are consumed at the same time but the <Person Deductible> is the first one to reach the limit, after $50. The result is the following specification:

  • $200 benefits input amount

  • $40 <Coinsurance withheld>

  • $50 <Person and/or family deductible>

  • $110 <Amount after deductible>

  • $110 to be paid

  • This service consumed $50 of the <Person Deductible> limit, making the current count $1500

  • This service consumed $50 of the <Family Deductible> limit, making the current count $2960

Finally, consider the following scenario in which the limits are consumed sequentially rather than simultaneously.

The payer keeps track of two limits: a serviced person or object level deductible that is person level deductible and family level deductible. First the serviced entity deductible should be consumed. Once the serviced entity deductible has been reached, the family deductible is consumed. Once the family deductible is reached, the payer starts to pay. The payer has set up the following limits.

  • Limit <Person Deductible>

  • Limit <Family Deductible>

The payer has set up the following rule for specialist visits:

  1. <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  2. <Withhold> <100%> of the <amount after Coinsurance> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Deductible>.

    • Count the amount towards <Person Deductible> and <stop> withholding once the limit of <$2000> is reached.

  3. <Withhold> <100%> of the <amount after deductible> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as <Deductible>.

    • Count the amount towards <Family Deductible> and <stop> withholding once the limit of <$4000> is reached.

The current count for the person deductible is $1850. The current count for the family deductible is $3890.

A specialist visit claim line comes in for a benefits input amount of $500.

After processing of the first rule, the benefits input amount is split up into $100 Coinsurance and $400 that is to be paid. However, before the $400 is paid the person deductible must be fully consumed. The limit is consumed after $150, which leaves $250 to be paid. However, before the payer starts to pay, the family deductible must be consumed as well. The second limit is consumed after $110, which leaves an amount of $140 to be paid.

The result is the following specification:

  • $500 benefits input amount

  • $100 <Coinsurance person liability>

  • $260 <Person and/or family deductible>

  • $140 <Amount after deductible>

  • $140 to be paid

  • This service consumed $150 of the <Person Deductible> limit making the current count $2000.

  • This service consumed $110 of the <Family Deductible> limit, making the current count $4000.

Note that because the $150 withheld due to the first limit and the $110 withheld due to the second limit both received the same coverage label <Person and/or family deductible>. Because of this the two amounts are added up in the benefit specification. This is a set up choice: if we wanted different labels for both deductibles, we could have set up two separate cover withhold categories that would make use of two separate labels for withheld deductibles.

Tranches and Periods

The use of the Tranches and Periods is deprecated. The recommended way to create tiered calculations is by using limits in combination with Cover Withhold Rules that apply to specic coverage labels.

Up to this point we have discussed the Cover Withhold Rules without specifying under what circumstances they apply. Claims allows the payer to set up a number of circumstances that are dependent on the serviced person or object and prior consumption. The first concept that we introduce is the tranche. A tranche represents a 'slice' of consumption expressed in either a monetary amount or number of units. To clarify this concept, consider the following scenarios:

Payer A wants to set up his benefits in such a way that, for doctor visits, the first 12 visits have a copay of $5, while the next 12 visits have a copay of $20. After the 24th visit the payer requires a copay of $35. Regardless of the number of prior visits, a $500 deductible is withheld.

Payer B wants to set up his benefits in such a way that, for specialist visits, the first $500 of benefits input amount has a 10% Coinsurance, while the next $500 has a 20% Coinsurance. After a $1000 of benefits input amount has been claimed, the payer requires a 50% Coinsurance.

Payer C wants to set up his benefits in such a way that, for doctor visits, a 25% Coinsurance is applied. After 6 person visits or 12 family visits - whichever comes first - a 50% Coinsurance is applied.

Let us consider the scenario of Payer A. Depending on the number of prior visits, the payer wants to apply a $5, $20 or $35 copay. This means that Claims has to be aware of two things:

  • The number or prior visits

  • The levels, that is, the number of visits it takes for the next copay to apply.

A regime counter keeps track of the number of prior visits. See the Regime Counters on the regime counters model for specifics. Regime tranches store the levels, that is, the number of required visits before the next copay applies. Consider the figure below. The three tranches reflect the three levels, that is, the first 12 visits, the next 12 visits, and all visits starting with the 25th. Depending on what tranche is the current given the prior number of visits, a separate set of Cover Withhold Rules should be applied, that is, the $5, $20 or $35 copay.

Coverage Regimes

Note that there is a hierarchical relationship between tranches and Cover Withhold Rules: a tranche can have multiple Cover Withhold Rules and a Cover Withhold Rule always belongs to a tranche. Also note that the last tranche can never specify a maximum. This prevents a situation where the benefits calculation hits a 'void' when the maximum of the last tranche is exceeded.

Coverage Regime Period Tranche

Field Description


In the event of multiple tranches, the sequence specifies the order in which the tranches should be applied.

Maximum Amount Insurable Entity

The maximum benefits input amount for a person or object (insurable entity) that can be consumed in this tranche. Once this amount is exceeded, subsequent a tranche will apply. Only the amount consumed within this tranche counts towards the maximum.

Maximum Amount Insurable Entity Currency

The currency of the maximum amount insurable entity field; it is automatically set to the currency that is specified on the coverage regime.

Maximum Number Insurable Entity

The maximum number of allowed units for a person or object (insurable entity) that can be consumed in this tranche. Once this number is exceeded, a subsequent tranche will apply. Only the number of units consumed within this tranche counts towards the maximum.

Maximum Service Days Insurable Entity

The maximum number of (distinct) service days for a person or object (insurable entity) that can be consumed in this tranche. Once this number is exceeded, a subsequent tranche will apply. Only the number of service days consumed within this tranche counts towards the maximum

Maximum Amount Family

The maximum benefits input amount for a family that can be consumed in this tranche. Once this amount is exceeded, subsequent a tranche will apply. Only the amount consumed within this tranche counts towards the maximum.

Maximum Amount Family Currency

The currency of the maximum amount family field; it is automatically set to the currency that is specified on the coverage regime.

Maximum Number Family

The maximum number of allowed units for a family that can be consumed in this tranche. Once this number is exceeded, a subsequent tranche will apply. Only the number of units consumed within this tranche counts towards the maximum.

Maximum Service Days Family

The maximum number of (distinct) service days for a family that can be consumed in this tranche. Once this number is exceeded, a subsequent tranche will apply. Only the number of service days consumed within this tranche counts towards the maximum.

Reconsider the scenario of payer A, to clarify how tranches are configured. We disregard the deductible Cover Withhold Rules to prevent the scenario from being needlessly complex.

Payer A sets up three tranches for doctor visits, each with its own (set of )Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. Tranche with a maximum of <12> allowed units:

    • <Withhold> <$5> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copay>.

  2. Tranche with a maximum of <12> allowed units:

    • <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copay>.

  3. Tranche without a maximum.

    • <Withhold> <$35> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copay>.

A doctor visit claim line comes in for $100. The person had 16 prior doctor visits. This means that the second tranche is the current: 12 visits fell into the first tranche, and the 16th doctor visit represents the 4th visit in the 12 visits in the second tranche. Hence, a copay of $20 is applied.

Payer B sets up three tranches for specialist visits, each with its own (set of) Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. Tranche with a maximum of <500> benefits input amount

    • <Withhold> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  2. Tranche with a maximum of <500> benefits input amount

    • <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  3. Tranche without a maximum.

    • <Withhold> <50%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

A specialist visit claim line comes in for $1300. The person has had no prior specialist visits. The first tranche is applied to the first $500 of the benefits input amount, resulting in a (10% of $500 ) $50 Coinsurance insurable entity liability. The remaining $800 will be divided over the subsequent tranches. The second tranche is applied to the next $500, resulting in a (20% of $500 ) $100 Coinsurance insurable entity liability. The last $300 goes to the last tranche, resulting in a (50% of $300) $150 Coinsurance insurable entity liability. Once all tranches have been applied, the result is a ($50+$100+$150) $300 Coinsurance insurable entity liability and $1000 is to be paid.

Payer C sets up two tranches for doctor visits, each with its own (set of )Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. Tranche with a maximum of <6> allowed units on Insurable Entity level and <12> allowed units on family level:

    • <Withhold> <25%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  2. Tranche without a maximum.

    • <Withhold> <50%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

Some notes on tranches:

  • The amount maximum is always counted on the basis of the benefits input amount. So if the first tranche specifies a maximum of $500, but a $600 deductible is applied, the second tranche is reached before the payer starts to pay.

  • The number maximum is always counted on the basis of the allowed number of units[1]. So if the first tranche specifies a maximum of 10 units, but the first 6 units are not paid due to a withheld limit, those 6 units still count towards the first tranche.

  • The last tranche in a set of one or more subsequent tranches must be specified without a maximum.

  • A set of subsequent tranches all specify either a maximum amount or a maximum number, except the last tranche in which the maximum must be left unspecified.

  • If both a maximum on Insurable Entity level and on family level is specified, it means that the tranche ends when one of the maximums is reached.

We have discussed tranches without regard for an associated period. However, it may very well be that a time period - given a certain as-of date - determines which set of Cover Withhold Rules should be applied. Consider the following scenarios:

Payer A needs a 50% Coinsurance for orthodontic services in the first year of subscription. The second year the Coinsurance is lowered to 20%. After the second year the Coinsurance is lowered to 10%.

Payer B provides full coverage for all physical therapist visits in the 60 days directly following (and related to) the initial visit due to a broken leg. After those 60 days, further visits related to the same broken bone are no longer covered.

Let us consider the scenario of payer A. To determine whether the 50% or the 20% Coinsurance applies, Claims needs to 'know' the following things:

  • The level, that is the length of the time it takes before another benefit applies.

  • The as-of date

The length of the period is specified by a Coverage Regime Period. The as-of date defines when to start counting the specified period. Amongst others, this date may reflect the start of a new year, the date that the person/object first enrolled or the first day of a specific health condition. It is possible to define multiple subsequent periods with different pertaining Cover Withhold Rules. All of these periods use the same as-of date. For this reason, the as-of date is not a field of a coverage regime period, but is stored at a higher level encompassing all periods: the coverage regime level.

Consider the figure below which conceptually depicts the scenario for Payer A for orthodontic services:

Coverage Regimes

As there is no use for tranches in this scenario, they are not depicted. As with tranches, there exists a hierarchical relationship between periods and Cover Withhold Rules. As with tranches, periods are sequenced and allow for an unspecified length. A period without a specified length is interpreted as 'forever', for example, the period box labeled 'After that' in the figure above.

Coverage Regime Period

Field Description


In the event of multiple periods the sequence specifies the order in which the periods should be applied.


An integer representing the length of the time period.

Unit of Measurement

Specifies whether the length should be interpreted as number of days, months or years.

Let us consider the set-up required for the scenario for payer A

Payer A sets up three coverage regime periods for orthodontic procedures, each with its own (set of )Cover Withhold Rules. The subscription date is specified as the as-of date:

  1. Period of <1> <year>:

    • <Withhold> <50%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  2. Period of <1> <year>:

    • <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  3. Period of <unspecified length>:

    • <Withhold> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

An orthodontic procedure claim line comes in for $140 with a service date on 11-MAY-2009. The person is subscribed to the product that provides the benefit since 03-MAY-2008. It is determined that the patient has been a subscribed person for 1 year and 8 days, qualifying the claim line for the second specified period. The cover withhold pertaining to this period specifies a 20% Coinsurance, hence a copay of $28 is applied.

Now let us consider a scenario that make use of both periods and tranches. This scenario also introduces the concept of a repeating period.

Payer C requires a 10% Coinsurance on the first dental check-up each three months. All subsequent dental check-ups in the same three months have a Coinsurance of 20%. Payer C specifies a single period of three months. The first day of the calendar year is specified as the as-of date. Within that period, payer C specifies two tranches, the first tranche specifies a maximum of 1 unit. This maximum reflects the first dental check-up in those three months. The second tranche is specified without a maximum, which reflects all subsequent dental check-ups within those three months.

  1. Period of <3> <months>

    • Tranche with a maximum of <1> allowed unit:

      • <Withhold> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

    • Tranche without a maximum.

      • <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

This set up takes care of the first three months in a calendar year. However, the intention of payer C is to repeat this coverage regime period during the year. Because it would be extremely cumbersome to define enough identical subsequent periods - in this example, four identical three month periods - it is possible to specify a set of periods - in the example the set has only one period - as repeating. As before with the as-of date, whether a set of subsequent periods should repeat applies to that set as a whole.

Coverage Regimes

Whether periods are repeating is specified at the Coverage Regime level, that will be introduced in the next section. Note that even though there is no maximum on the second tranche, once the cover regime period starts anew, all the tranches are evaluated anew as well. In the example that means that, every three months, the very first dental check-up after the first day of the calendar year is always considered to be in the first tranche.

As reflected in the figure, tranches and periods have a hierarchical relationship: one period can have one or more tranches. A tranche always belongs to a period. Note that - although tranches are a required level in the hierarchy - setting up a single tranche without a maximum per period is functionally identical to not having a tranche at all. Consider the scenarios for payer A and payer B at the start of this section, these scenarios do not require specific tranches to be set up. The same is true for the coverage regime period: although it is a mandatory entity, not specifying a period length is is identical to stating that no period applies.

Coverage Regime

We have already introduced the as-of date and repeating field which apply to the encompassed set of coverage regime periods. These fields are specified in the coverage regime.

Coverage Regime Fields

Field Description


Identifier for this regime.


Descriptor of this regime.

Indication Active

If unchecked, no more references to this regime may be made.


Specifies the reference date that the system uses to plot the coverage regime periods. The following as-of dates can be specified:

  • After Start of Calendar Year - in short: Calendar Year. The first period starts at January 1st of the year of the service[2].

  • After Start of Insurance - in short: Insurance. The first period starts at the subscription date.

  • After Start of Plan Year - in short: Plan Year. The first period starts on the most recent occurrence of the subscription day/month, either on or going back from the service date [3].

  • After Date of Insurable Entity - in short: Insurable Entity . Person: The first period starts at the date of birth of the person. Object: The first period starts at the object date of the object

  • After Start of Case - in short: Case. The first period starts on the case start date

2. If the sum total of the period lengths specified under the coverage regime is more than a year, the first period starts in on January 1st in the year that the person or object subscribed.
3. For example, if a person subscribed on December 3rd 2006, then the first period set out, given a service date March 5th 2009, would be December 3rd 2008.

Indication Repetitive

If checked, the system cycles through the specified regime periods, until the the next reference date. If the reference date is not inherently repetitive - such as the reference: Date of Birth - the system cycles through the regime periods indefinitely.

For example, a repetitive regime with a single 3-month regime period and a calendar year reference will cycle through the period 4 times per calendar year.


The currency for amount fields in tranches, Cover Withhold Rules and count towards limits.

A coverage regime represents the construct of its underlying periods, tranches and rules. In other words, a coverage regime represents a reusable building block that can be attached to one or more benefit specifications.

Coordination of Benefits

Coordination of Benefits (CoB) is a process where a claim is adjudicated sequentially by more than one health insurance payer. For a subsequent payer to calculate the benefits, it is necessary to receive the adjudication results of the preceding payer. CoB can be handled within Claims in two ways:

  • Before applying benefits: Adjust the benefits input amount based on the information from the preceding payer and calculate the benefits. Often this is done by deducting the preceding payer paid amount from the allowed amount and use that as input for benefits.

  • After applying benefits: Apply - in addition - post benefits logic to the outcome of the benefits calculation.

A full blown coordination of benefits could make use of the following key points of the application:

  • Claims In. Fixed fields: preceding payer code (at claim level) and preceding payer paid amount (at claim line level). Dynamic fields for more granular information, if needed, like preceding payer deductible or preceding payer Copayment

  • Enrollment. Product specific information can be sent back with respect to the primary plan, like Medicare or Commercial. This information can be stored in a dynamic field.

  • Pre Benefits Derivation Rule. Based on the information so far, a dynamic field CoB indicator can be set to specify if CoB is applicable. The logic could also depend on for example claim form, bill type and procedure of the claim line.

  • Pre Benefits Process Field Derivation Rule. The process field derivation rule for the benefits input amount can be molded so that a different outcome is possible depending on for example the primary plan. Popular choices are the allowed amount, the preceding payer allowed amount or logic like the greater of or the lesser of these two.

  • Calculate Benefits per Product. Normal execution of this step.

  • Calculate Post Benefits per Product

    • Select the applicable post benefits specification.

    • Apply the post benefits regime with the result of the normal calculation as input.

A post benefits regime is similar to a coverage regime without periods and tranches; it only includes (post) Cover Withhold Rules.

Post Benefits Regime

Field Description


Identifier for this regime.


Descriptor of this regime.

Indication Active

If unchecked, no more references to this regime may be made.

A post Cover Withhold Rule is the most elementary configuration rule in context of coordination of benefits. A post Cover Withhold Rule has the following fields:

Post Cover Withhold Rule

Field Description


In the event of multiple post Cover Withhold Rules, the sequence specifies the order in which these rules should be applied.


Specifies whether the outcome of the dynamic logic function should be interpreted as an amount that is paid by the payer (coverage rule) or a insurable entity liability (withhold rule).

Result applied to

This field specifies the part of the benefits input amount to which the calculation results should apply. The possible values are (1) the remaining covered amount, (2) the remaining withheld amount or (3) a specific coverage label

Coverage Label

The coverage label to which the result applies when option 3 is selected.


Specifies the category of the post cover withhold rule, which in turn drives the labels that are associated with the results of this rule.

Function dynamic logic

Specifies the function dynamic logic to calculate the amount that is to be covered or withheld.


Specifies a message that is attached to the claim line whenever this post Cover Withhold Rule is applied to that claim line and the covered (or withheld) amount is greater than 0. Substitution parameters for the message

  • Description of the post coverage regime

  • The type of rule (action)

  • The amount that is the outcome of the rule postfixed by a space and the currency display code of the amount

  • Description of the product

  • Description of the post benefits specification

  • Post benefits specification Procedure group 1 usage concatenated with the Procedure group 1 description or the Procedure condition usage concatenated with the Procedure condition description (procedure group takes precedence if both are specified)

  • Post benefit specification Diagnosis group usage concatenated with the Diagnosis group description or the Diagnosis group condition description

  • Post benefits specification Age from '-' Age to

  • Post benefits specification Gender description

Typical examples of post benefits regime logic are:

  • Scenario: "Cover up to Allowed" The rule is not to cover more than the difference between the benefits input amount and the preceding payer paid amount AND not to cover more than you covered without CoB. In a formula this would look like:

 (claimLine benefitsInputAmount - claimLine precedingPayerPaidAmount)

The condtion "not to cover more than you covered without CoB" is fulfilled by the behavior of the rule when the rule is applied to the remaining covered: if the outcome of the formula exceeds the remaining covered, it is automatically lowered to the remaining covered. Note that this behavior is different from Cover Withhold Rules for coverage regimes, where is it possible to specify a percentage greater than 100% thereby increasing the remaining covered.

  • Scenario: "Benefits less Benefits" The rule is not to cover more in total than the calculated amount without CoB. In a formula this would look like:

    (claimLine.coveredAmount - claimLine precedingPayerPaidAmount)

Up to Allowed

Suppose the payer has set up two cover withhold categories:

  • Category <Coinsurance> with:

    • withhold label <Coinsurance>.

    • cover label <Covered>

  • Category <UpToAllowed> with:

    • withhold label <COB savings>

    • cover label <Covered>

Now suppose the payer sets up the following cover withhold rule, including a reference to the cover withhold category <Coinsurance>:

  • <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

In addition, the payer sets up the following post cover withhold rule, including a reference to the cover withhold category <UpToAllowed>:

  • <Cover> (benefits input amount - preceding payer paid amount) applied to the <remaining covered> amount.

As an example, a claim had a preceding payer allowed amount of $75 of which $50 was paid and now the claim is sent in.

Let’s assume the benefits input amount would come to $75 - in alignment with the original allowed amount.

After applying the coverage regime for Coinsurance, the outcome would be:

  • $75 benefits input amount

  • $15 <Coinsurance>

  • $60 <Covered>

Now the post benefits regime for coordination of benefits is applied. The post Cover Withhold Rule would start with the remaining covered which is $60 and then apply the formula (benefits input amount - preceding payer paid amount) which is = $25.

So the outcome would be:

  • $75 benefits input amount

  • $15 <Coinsurance>

  • $25 <Covered>

  • $35 `<COB savings

Benefits less Benefits

Suppose the payer has set up two cover withhold categories:

  • Category <Coinsurance> with:

    • withhold label <Coinsurance>

    • cover label <Covered>

  • Category <BenefitsLessBenefits> with:

    • Withhold label <COB savings>

    • Cover label <Covered>

Now suppose the payer sets up the following cover withhold rule, including a reference to the cover withhold category <Coinsurance>:

  • <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

In addition, the payer sets up the following post cover withhold rule, including a reference to the cover withhold category <BenefitsLessBenefits>:

  • <Withhold> preceding payer paid amount applied to the <remaining covered> amount

As an example, a claim had a preceding payer allowed amount of $75 of which $50 was paid and now the claim is sent in.

Let’s assume the benefits input amount would come to $75 - in alignment with the original allowed amount.

After applying the coverage regime for Coinsurance, the outcome would be:

  • $75 benefits input amount

  • $15 <Coinsurance>

  • $60 <Covered>

Now the post benefits regime for coordination of benefits is applied. The post Cover Withhold Rule would start with the remaining covered which is $60 and then apply the formula to withhold the preceding payer paid amount, being $50.

So the outcome would be:

  • $75 benefits input amount

  • $15 <Coinsurance>

  • $10 <Covered>

  • $50 `<COB savings

Claim Line Coverages

The preceding sections have introduced coverage labels in a number of different examples, as the resulting 'specifications'. In this section we address how those amounts and labels in such a benefit specification are actually stored.

A cover withhold category is a set of two coverage labels: one for the part of the amount that is withheld, one for the part of the amount that is covered. Consider a simple scenario where the user has set up the following category:

  • Category <Copay>

    • Withhold label <Insurable Entity Liability>

    • Cover label <Covered by payer>

A claim line comes in for a procedure with a $100 benefits input amount. The following Cover Withhold Rule applies:

  • <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copay>.

The following figure below depicts what happens next:

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage 1

Note: In all the images the term 'allowed amount' is used. Actually, the starting point is the 'benefits input amount', so assume that the allowed amount is put into the benefits input amount through the process field derivation rule (which is the normal situation).

To withhold rule splits the benefits input amount up into two parts: the withheld amount, represented by the box with the white text and dark back ground, and the covered amount, represented by the box with the light background. Note that this division does not depend on the action of the cover withhold rule, that is, a cover rule would also have split up the benefits input amount into two boxes. Each of the boxes represents a Claim Line Rule Coverage.

A Claim Line Rule Coverage specifies the combination of the following fields:

Claim Line Rule Coverage

Field Description


Indicates whether the amount is a covered amount or a withheld amount.


The amount covered or withheld.


The number of units covered or withheld.

Claim Line

The claim line in which the procedure is specified that is covered or withheld.

Coverage Label

The coverage label.


The product to which the applied benefit belongs.

Cover Withhold Rule

The Cover Withhold Rule that resulted in this 'rule coverage'.

Post Cover Withhold Rule

The post Cover Withhold Rule that resulted in this 'rule coverage'.

Display Name

The display name of the claim line rule coverage.

To clarify how claim line rule coverages are created, consider the following scenario. A payer has set up the following category:

  • Category <Copay>

    • Withhold label <Not Covered>

    • Cover label < Amount after copay>

  • Category <Coinsurance>

    • Withhold label <Not Covered>

    • Cover label < Amount after Coinsurance>

  • Category <Deductible>

    • Withhold label <Not Covered>

    • Cover label <Amount after deductible>

Copay is applied first, then Coinsurance, then the deductible. The payer has set up a limit called <Deduc>. The following Cover Withhold Rules are set up:

  1. <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copay>.

  2. <Withhold> <20%> of the <Amount after copay> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  3. <Withhold> <100%> of the <Amount after Coinsurance> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Deductible>.

    • Count towards the <Deduc> limit and <Stop> withholding when reached.

Suppose a claim line comes in for a benefits input amount of $100. At that time only $15 of the deductible remains before it is reached. The following figure depicts the break-down of the benefits input amount.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage 2

The first rule splits the original benefits input amount up into two amounts: $20 labeled <Not covered> and $80 labeled <Amount after copay>.

The second rule is calculated on the amount that is labeled <Amount after copay> which is $80. The second rule calculates a withheld of $16. The result is applied to the <remaining covered amount>, which, after rule 1, consists of the (same) $80 <Amount after copay>, which is subsequently split up into $16 <Not covered> and $64 <Amount after Coinsurance>.

Finally, the third rule is calculated. The percentage is based on the amount labeled <Amount after Coinsurance>, which is $64. 100% of $64 which is still $64. However, before the result is applied, the $64 is counted towards the <Deduc> Limit. The limit is reached after counting only the first $15, resulting in a $15 <Not covered> rather than the full $64. The remaining $49 is labeled <Amount after deductible>.

The example results in four claim line rule coverages, that is, three specifying withhold labels, one specifying a cover label. Depending on the number of triggered Cover Withhold Rules, a claim line can accumulate multiple claim line rule coverages. Some of these claim line rule coverages may have the same coverage label, product and action. Consider the example above, in which the amount withheld due to Coinsurance, copay and deductible all used the same label <Not covered>, all are withhold labels and all are (assumed) to be calculated under the same product. Using the same label for different Cover Withhold Rules is a setup choice, and Claims interprets this choice as a request to aggregate the amounts that use the same coverage label. The benefit specification resulting from the scenario above would be:

  • $100 benefits input amount

  • $51 <Not covered>

  • $49 <Amount after deductible>

  • $49 to be paid.

Note that only one amount is listed for the <Not covered> and the listed amount is the sum of the $16 Coinsurance, the $15 deductible and the $20 copay. If the payer had wanted to list those liabilities separately, separate labels should have been used. The second and third bullet all represent an aggregation - an aggregation of a label for which only a single amount or number exists is also considered an aggregation.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage 3

The aggregation of claim line rule coverages is persisted by an entity named Claim Line Coverage:

Claim Line Coverage

Field Description


Indicates whether the aggregated amount is a covered amount or a withheld amount.


The aggregated amount covered or withheld.


The aggregated number of units covered or withheld.

Claim Line

The claim line in which the procedure is specified that is covered or withheld.

Coverage Label

The coverage label that specifies the aggregated number or amount.


The product to which the applied benefit belongs.

Display Name

The display name of the claim line coverage.

Note that the claim line coverage does not hold a reference to a specific cover withhold rule, as it represents the aggregate amount or number over all the Cover Withhold Rules that were processed for the pertaining claim line.


This section contains a number of use cases with the purpose of providing the reader with a comprehensive understanding of coverage regimes, periods, tranches, Cover Withhold Rules and limits.

Scenarios are divided into four categories:

  • A: Scenarios that focus only on Cover Withhold Rules.

  • B: Scenarios that include limits.

  • C: Scenarios that include limits, tranches, periods and regimes.

  • D: Scenarios focus on reinsurance.

Scenario A1

The following 'A' scenarios make use of the following cover withhold categories:

  • Category <Rule1>

    • Cover label <C1>

    • Withhold label <W1>

  • Category <Rule2>

    • Cover label <C2>

    • Withhold label <W2>

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Cover> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as Category <Rule1>.

  2. <Cover> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <remaining withheld> amount as Category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $40 <C1> and $60 <W1>. The second rule is also based on the original $100 and therefore the calculation results in a $10 <C2> coverage. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining withheld> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $60 <W1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $10 <C2> and the remaining $50 <W2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A1

Scenario A2

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Cover> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Cover> <10%> of <C1> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed.

The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $40 <C1> and $60 <W1>. The second rule’s calculation is based on the amount specified by label <C1>, which is $40 yielding a result of a $4 <C2> coverage. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining covered> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $40 <C1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $4 <C2> and the remaining $36 <W2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A2

Scenario A3

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Cover> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Withhold> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $40 <C1> and $60 <W1>. The second rule is also based on the original $100 and therefore the calculation results in a $10 <W2> withhold. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining covered> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $40 <C1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $10 <W2> and the remaining $30 <C2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A3

Scenario A4

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Cover> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Withhold> <10%> of <C1> applied to the < remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $40 <C1> and $60 <W1>. The second rule’s calculation is based on the amount specified by label <C1>, which is $40 yielding a result of $4 <W2> withhold. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining covered> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $40 <C1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $4 <W2> and the remaining $36 <C2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A4

Scenario A5

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Withhold> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Withhold> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $40 <W1> and $60 <C1>. The second rule is also based on the original $100 and therefore the calculation results in a $10 <W2> withhold. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining covered> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $60 <C1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $10 <W2> and the remaining $50 <C2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A5

Scenario A6

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Withhold> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. < Withhold> <10%> of <C1> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category < Rule2 >.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $60 <C1> and $40 <W1>. The second rule’s calculation is based on the amount specified by label <C1>, which is $60 yielding a result of a $6 <W2> withhold. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining covered> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $60 <C1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $6 <W2> and the remaining $54 <C2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A6

Scenario A7

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Withhold> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Cover> <10%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <remaining withheld> amount as category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $40 <W1> and $60 <C1>. The second rule is also based on the original $100 and therefore the calculation results in a $10 <C2> coverage. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining withheld> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $40 <W1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $10 <C2> and the remaining $30 <W2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A7

Scenario A8

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Withhold> <40%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Cover> <10%> of <C1> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $60 <C1> and $40 <W1>. The second rule’s calculation is based on the amount specified by label <C1>, which is $60 yielding a result of a $6 <C2> coverage. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining covered> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $60 <C1>. The amount is split up in the calculated $6 <C2> and the remaining $54 <W2>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A8

Scenario A9

The payer applies the following Cover Withhold Rules:

  1. <Withhold> <30%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Cover> <$40> applied to the <remaining withheld> amount as category <Rule2 >.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $70 <C1> and $30 <W1>. The second specifies a nominal amount of $40 which would result in a $40 <C2> coverage. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining withheld> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $30 <W1>.

Here we run into a restriction set by the model: the calculated result of a rule may never exceed the amount upon which the result is applied. The result of our calculation is $40. The amount to which it should be applied is only $30. Claims resolves this by limiting the calculated <C2> amount to $30 as well, instead of the specified $40.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A9

To clarify why this restriction is in place, consider what would happen if <C2> would not be limited to $30. The end result would be $40 <C2> and $70 <C1> which would add up to a total coverage of $110, which is more than the original benefits input amount.

Scenario A10

The following rules are set up:

  1. <Cover> <$30> applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  2. <Withhold> <70%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $30 <C1> and $70 <W1>. The second rule is also based on the original $100 and therefore the calculation results in a $70 <W2> withhold. The result of the second rule is applied to the <remaining covered> amount at the moment that rule 2 is processed, that is, the $30 <C1>.

Again, here we run into the restriction set by the model which prevents the calculated result of a rule to ever exceed the amount upon which the result is applied. The result of our calculation is $70. The amount to which it should be applied is only $30. Claims resolves this by limiting the calculated <W2> amount to $30 as well, instead of the calculated $70.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A10

Scenario A11

The payer wants to set up a copay of $20. Of the remaining amount after copay, 10% is withheld as Coinsurance. Another 10% (of that same amount) is withheld due to a state mandated charge.

The following categories are set up:

  • Category <Copay>

    • with withhold label <Copay>

    • and cover label < Amount after copay>

  • Category <Coinsurance>

    • with withhold label <Coinsurance>

    • and cover label < Amount after Coinsurance>

  • Category <State mandate>

    • with withhold label <State charge>

    • and cover label <Amount after state charge>

The following rules are set up:

  1. <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount as category <copay>.

  2. <Withhold> <10%> of the <amount after copay> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Coinsurance>.

  3. <Withhold> <10%> of the <amount after copay> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <State mandate>.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $20 <copay> and $80 <amount after copay>.

The second rule calculates a percentage of 10% of the <amount after copay> which amounts up to $8. The result is applied to the <remaining covered> amount, which is the $80 <amount after copay> at the moment that rule 2 is processed. The $80 is split up into $8 <Coinsurance> and $72 <amount after Coinsurance>.

The third rule, again, calculates a percentage of 10% of the <amount after copay> which amounts up to $8. The result is applied to the <remaining covered> amount, which is the $72 <amount after Coinsurance> at the moment that rule 3 is processed. The $72 is split up into $8 <state charge> and $64 <amount after state charge>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A11

Scenario A12

The payer wants to set up a coverage of 75% of the Other Insurance Coinsurance and a coverage of 50% of the Other Insurance copay.

Because the percentage needs to work on amounts other than the benefits input amount or a result during calculation, specific labels of action 'INPUT' need to be set up:

  • Label <OI Coinsurance> , action 'INPUT'

A reference to function dynamic logic which returns the claimLine.otherInsuranceCoins (otherInsuranceCoins being defined as a dynamic field on the claim line)

  • Label <OI Copay>, action 'INPUT'

A reference to function dynamic logic which returns the claimLine.otherInsuranceCopay (otherInsuranceCopay being defined as a dynamic field on the claim line)

The following categories are set up:

  • Category <Other Insurance Coinsurance>

    • with withhold label <Withheld after Coinsurance>

    • and cover label < Coinsurance Refund>

  • Category <Other Insurance Copay>

    • with withhold label <No Refund>

    • and cover label < Copay Refund>

The following rules are set up:

  1. <Cover> <75%> of the <OI Coinsurance> applied to the <original> amount as category <Other Insurance Coinsurance>.

  2. <Cover> <50%> of the <OI Copay> applied to the <remaining withheld> amount as category <Other Insurance Copay >.

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The first rule has to evaluate the function dynamic logic which returns the claimLine.otherInsuranceCoins. Let’s suppose this dynamic field was supplied through the claims in and was $80 (alternatively, the claimLine.otherInsuranceCoins could have been set through a derivation rule). The first rule calculates 75% of this and splits up the $100 into two amounts: $60 <Coinsurance Refund> and $40 <Withheld after Coinsurance>.

The second rule has to evaluate the function dynamic logic which returns the claimLine.otherInsuranceCopay. Let’s suppose this dynamic field was supplied through the claims in and was $40 (alternatively, the claimLine.otherInsuranceCopay could have been set through a derivation rule). The second rule calculates 50% of this: $20. The result is applied to the <remaining withheld> amount, which is the $40 <Withheld after Coinsurance> at the moment that rule 2 is processed. The $40 is split up into $20 <Coinsurance Refund> and $20 <No Refund>.

Coverage Regimes Rule Coverage A12

Scenario B1

The following 'B' scenarios make use of the following cover withhold categories:

  • Category <Rule1>

    • Cover label <Covered>

    • Withhold label <Withheld>

The payer has set up the following limit:

  • <Cover> limit <Limit A>

A <Cover> limit implies that something is covered up to the limit, and any limit excess is no longer covered. The payer has set up the following rule:

  1. <Cover> <60%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>

    • Count towards <Limit A> and <Stop> at <$150>

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $60 <Covered> and $40 <Withheld>. Because the rule is a cover rule, the amount covered is counted towards any pertaining limits. As a result only $90 ($150-$60) remains before <Limit A> is reached.

Coverage Regimes

The resulting claim line coverages:

  • $40 <Withheld>

  • $60 <Covered>

Scenario B2

The payer has set up the following limit:

  • <Cover> limit <Limit B>

A <Cover> limit implies that something is covered up to the limit, and any limit excess is no longer covered. The payer has set up the following rule:

  1. <Cover> <60%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category `<Rule1>`

    • Count towards <Limit B> and <Stop> at <$80>

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $200 is processed. The rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $120 that is to be counted towards the limit and $80 <Withheld>. Because the rule is a cover rule, the amount covered is counted towards any pertaining limits. As a result $120 counts towards <Limit B>. Because <Limit B> is set at $80, not the entire $120 is consumed by the limit: there is a $40 excess. Because <Limit B> is a cover limit, any excess is seen as a withheld amount.

Coverage Regimes

Once the rule has been processed the $40 and $80 <Withheld> are summed up. The resulting claim line coverages:

  • $120 <Withheld>

  • $80 <Covered>

Scenario B3

The payer has set up the following limits:

  • <Cover> limit <Family Limit>

  • <Cover> limit <Insurable Entity Limit>

A <Cover> limit implies that something is covered up to the limit, and any limit excess is no longer covered. The payer has set up the following rule:

  1. <Cover> <100%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

    • Count towards <Family Limit> and <Stop> at <$500>

    • Count towards <Insurable Entity Limit> and <Stop> at <$300>

A first claim line for a benefits input amount of $175 is processed. The rule covers the full $175. Because the rule is a cover rule, the amount covered is counted towards any pertaining limits. As a result $175 counts towards both the <Family Limit> and the <Insurable Entity Limit>.

Coverage Regimes

Neither limit was reached - both the <Familiy Limit> and the <Insurable Entity Limit> have a current count of $125. So the first claim line results in the following claim line coverage:

  • $175 <Covered>

A second claim line for a benefits input amount of $200 is processed for the same person. The rule would cover the full $200, however, the is reached before that happens. Because only $125 remained in the insurable entity limit and the reached action is to 'stop', only $125 is covered. The $75 excess is not covered due to the fact that the exceeded limit is a cover limit.

Coverage Regimes

As a result of this claim line, the is fully consumed, but the <Family Limit> still has a remaining $200. The resulting claim line coverages:

  • $75 <Withheld>

  • $125 <Covered>

Now suppose a third claim line comes in, again for the same person, for a benefits input amount of $200. Normally the rule would cover the full $200, but because one of the limits has been reached and the reached action for that limit is 'stop', the full $200 is regarded as limit excess.

Coverage Regimes

The third claim line results in the following claim line coverage:

  • Withheld $200 <Withheld>

Note that because nothing is covered, the <Family Limit> is not counted towards either.

Finally, a fourth claim line comes in for a different person of the same family. The benefits input amount is $250. The limit for that person still has the full $300 remaining. However, the <Family Limit> only has a remaining $200. Normally the rule would cover the full $250, however, after the first $200 the <Family Limit> has been reached. Because the <Family Limit> is a cover limit and the reached action is 'Stop', the $50 excess is withheld even though the limit for that person has not been reached yet. The fourth claim line results in the following claim line coverages:

  • $50 <Withheld>

  • $200 <Covered>

Scenario B4

The payer has set up the following limit:

  • <Withhold> limit <Out of pocket max>

A <Withhold> limit implies that something is not covered up to the limit. Once the limit is reached, any excess amount is covered. The payer has set up the following rule:

  1. <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule 1>.

    • Count towards <Out of pocket max> and <Stop> at <$50>

A claim line for a benefits input amount of $100 is processed. The rule splits up the $100 into two amounts: $20 <Withheld> and $80 <Covered>. Because the rule is a withhold rule, the amount withheld is counted towards any pertaining withhold limits. As a result only $30 ($50-$20) remains before the <Out of pocket max> (OOPM) is reached.

Coverage Regimes

Because the limit is not reached yet, the withhold rule processes as normal, resulting in the claim line coverages:

  • $20 <Withheld>

  • $80 <Coverage>

Suppose a second claim line comes in for a benefits input amount of $200. Normally the rule would split up into $40 <Withheld> and $160 <Covered>. However, after withholding the first $30, the withhold limit is reached.

Coverage Regimes

Because the reached action is 'Stop', the $10 excess is not withheld. The second claim line results in the following claim line coverages:

  • $30 <Withheld>

  • $170 <Covered>

Scenario B5

The payer has set up the following limit:

  • <Withhold> limit <Out of pocket max>

The payer counts any insurable entity liability (Coinsurance, copay, and deductibles) towards the <Out of pocket max> limit. However, even though the <Out of pocket max> may have been reached, the payer still wants to withhold the copay on preventive health care services. The payer sets up the following rule for preventive health care services:

  • <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

  • Count towards <Out of pocket max> and <Continue> when reached.

A claim line comes in for a benefits input amount of $200. Before the claim line is processed the person has $20 remaining before the <Out of pocket max> limit is reached. The benefits input amount is split up into $40 <Withheld> due to the copay and $160 <Covered>. The withheld $20 counts towards the <Out of pocket max> limit. However, whether or not the <Out of pocket max> has been reached does not affect the results of this Cover Withhold Rule due to the fact that the reached action is defined as 'continue'.

Coverage Regimes

The claim line results in the following claim line coverages:

  • $40 <Withheld>

  • $160 <Covered>

Scenario B6

A payer wants to set up a 20% Coinsurance rule. The 20% that is withheld should count towards an out-of-pocket max limit, while the 80% covered should count towards a lifetime max limit.

The following cover withhold categories are set up:

  • Category <Rule1>

    • Cover label <C1>

    • Withhold label <W1>

  • Category <Rule2>

    • Cover label <C2>

    • Withhold label <W2>

Two limits are set up:

  • Cover limit <Lifetime max> applies per <100> <years> and renews on <from person’s date of birth>

  • Withhold limit <Out of pocket max> applies per <1> <year> and renews on <calendar year>

The payer requires a 20% Coinsurance on doctor visits. The following rule is set up:

  1. <Withhold> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>

    • Withheld amount counts towards <out of pocket max> and <stop> at <$2,000>

This rule takes care of the Coinsurance and is counted towards the <out of pocket max>. Because a single Cover Withhold Rule cannot count towards both a cover and withhold limits, a second Cover Withhold Rule is needed to count the covered part towards the life time max:

  1. <Cover> <100%> of <C1> applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>

    • Withheld amount counts towards <Lifetime max> and <stop> at <$1,000,000>

Note that this last Cover Withhold Rule does not change the coverage: it states that all that was covered is (re)covered for 100%. The rule is still required to make sure that the covered amount counts towards the <life time max>.

Scenario B7

A payer fully covers up to 6 physical therapy visits per year. The following cover withhold category is set up:

  • Category <Rule1>

    • Cover label <C1>

    • Withhold label <W1>

A limit is set up:

  • Cover limit <visit limit> applies per <1> <year> and renews per <calendar year>.

The payer fully covers (=100%) physical therapy visits until the limit is reached:

  1. <Cover> <100%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule 1>

    • Covered number of units counts towards <visit limit> and <stop> at <6 units>

A claim line comes in with an allowed number of units of 10 for a total of $100. The number of allowed units is split up into two parts:

  • 6 units that fall within the limit. The benefits input amount that corresponds to the these 6 units is 6/10 of $100, being $60. Since the Cover Withhold Rule specifies 100% coverage, $60 over 6 units are assigned to label <C1>

  • Remaining are the 4 units that exceed the limit: $40 over 4 units are assigned to label`<W1>`.

Coverage Regimes

The claim line results in the following claim line coverages:

  • $40 over 4 units as <W1>

  • $60 over 6 units as <C1>

Scenario B8

A payer covers up to 6 physical therapy visits per year for 60% per visit.

The following cover withhold category is set up:

  • Category <Rule1>

    • Cover label <C1>

    • Withhold label <W1>

A limit is set up:

  • Cover limit <visit limit> applies per <1> <year> and renews per <calendar year>.

The payer covers 60% per physical therapy visit until the limit is reached:

  1. <Cover> <60%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule 1>

    • Covered number of units counts towards <visit limit> and <stop> at <6 visits>

A claim line comes in with an allowed number of units of 10 for a total of $100. The number of allowed units is split up into two parts:

  • 6 units that fall within the limit. The benefits input amount that corresponds to the these 6 units is 6/10 of $100, being $60. Since the Cover Withhold Rule specifies 60% coverage, only $36 over 6 units are assigned to label <C1>

  • Remaining is:

    • The $40 due to the 4 units that are in excess of the limit.

    • The $24 due to the 6 units that were not fully covered.

Both the amount and number of units is summed up to determine the values assigned to the withhold label: $64 over 10 units are assigned to label <W1>.

Coverage Regimes

The claim line results in the following claim line coverages:

  • $64 over 10 units as <W1>

  • $36 over 6 units as <C1>

Scenario B9

A payer applies a $20 copay per service date for doctor visits. In the event that a patient has multiple doctor visits on the same day, the copay is only applied once.

The payer sets up the following limit:

  • <Withhold> limit <Daily limit> applies per <1> <day> and renews <calendar year>

The payer sets up the following regime:

  • Regime

    1. Unspecified period

      • Unspecified tranche

        • <Withhold> <$20> applied to the <original> amount as category <Copay>.

          • Withheld amount counts towards <Daily limit>, <stop> at <$20>

Note that for daily limits the calendar year reference does not really matter, because the limit renews every day.

Scenario B10

A payer applies both copay and Coinsurance. The copay could be funded ("reinsured") by a policy account as long as this savings account has enough money left; the Coinsurance can never be funded through the policy account.

The B10 scenario makes use of the following coverage labels:

  • Withhold label W1

  • Withhold label W2

  • Cover label C1

  • Cover label C2 that reinsures W1

And the following cover withhold categories:

  • Category <Rule1>

    • Cover label <C1>

    • Withhold label <W1>

  • Category <Rule2>

    • Cover label <C1>

    • Withhold label <W2>

  • Category <Rule3>

    • Cover label <C2>

    • Withhold label <W1>

The payer sets up a <Cover> limit and the following regime:

  • Regime

  • Unspecified period

    • Unspecified tranche

      • <Withhold> <$50> applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

      • <Withhold> 20% applied to the <remaining covered> amount as category <Rule2>.

      • <Cover> 100% as category <Rule3>

        • Covered amount counts towards <Cover> limit

A claim line comes in charging 1 unit for a total of $200. Assume that the limit has $ 30 left that can be used.

Evaluating the first Cover Withhold Rule results in

  • $150 over 1 unit as <C1>

  • $ 50 over 1 unit as <W1>

Evaluating the second Cover Withhold Rule results in

  • $120 over 1 unit as <C1>

  • $ 50 over 1 unit as <W1>

  • $ 30 over 1 unit as <W2>

Evaluating the third Cover Withhold Rule results in the final claim line coverages:

  • $120 over 1 unit as <C1>

  • $ 20 over 1 unit as <W1>

  • $ 30 over 1 unit as <W2>

  • $ 30 over 1 unit as <C2>

Scenario C1

A payer covers up to $200 per month for the first three months per plan year. The plan is renewed yearly.

The payer sets up the following limit:

  • <Cover> limit <Monthly limit> per <1> <month> as of <the first day of the plan year>

The payer sets up the following regime:

  • Regime as of <the first day of the plan year>

  • Period of <3> <months>

    • Unspecified tranche

      • <Cover> <100%> of <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

        • Covered amount counts towards <Monthly limit> and <stop> at <$200>

Scenario C2

A payer provides full coverage for the first 10 doctor visits each 2 calendar years. All subsequent visits in those 2 years require 50% Coinsurance. For each and every visit, the covered amount counts towards a lifetime max.

The payer sets up the following limit:

  • <Cover> limit <Lifetime max> per <lifetime> as of <the person date of birth>

The payer sets up the following regime:

  • Regime renews per <calendar year>

  • Period of <2> <years>

    • Tranche of <10> <units>

      • <Cover> <100%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

        • Covered amount counts towards <Lifetime max> and <stop> at <$1,000,000>

    • Unspecified tranche

      • <Cover> <50%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

        • Covered amount counts towards <Lifetime max> and <stop> at <$1,000,000>

Note that the period length of 2 years exceeds the interval the calendar year. In this scenario the system starts setting out the two-year periods starting in the calendar year that the person subscribed to the covering product.

Scenario C3

A payer covers

  • 0% of the benefits input amount for the first 10 visits per calendar year;

  • 50% of the benefits input amount for the next 10 visits that calendar year;

  • 20% of the benefits input amount for all subsequent visits that calendar year.

Regardless of the number of visits, the payer covers up to $2000 per year.

The payer sets up the following limit:

  • <Cover> limit <Yearly limit> applies per <1> <year> and renews per <calendar year>

The payer sets up the following regime:

  • Regime renews per <calendar year>

    • Period of <1> <year>

      • Tranche of <10> <units>

        • <Cover> <80%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

          • Covered amount counts towards <Yearly limit> and <stop> at <$2000>

      • Tranche of <10> <units>

        • <Cover> <50%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

          • Covered amount counts towards <Yearly limit> and <stop> at <$2000>

      • Unspecified Tranche

        • <Cover> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>.

          • Covered amount counts towards <Yearly limit> and <stop> at <$2000>

Scenario C4

A payer requires $5 copay for the first 5 bottles of medicine in a calendar year and a $10 copay for the next 5 bottles. After that, the payer does not pay for any bottles for the remainder of the calendar year.

The following cover withhold categories are set up:

  • Category <Rule1>

    • Cover label <C1>

    • Withhold label <W1>

  • Category <Rule2>

    • Cover label <C2>

    • Withhold label <W2>

  • Category <Rule3>

    • Cover label <C3>

    • Withhold label <W3>

The following regime is set up:

  • Regime renews per <calendar year>

    • Period of <1> <year>

      • Tranche with a maximum of <5> allowed units:

        • <Withhold> <$5> applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule1>

      • Tranche with a maximum of <5> allowed units:

        • <Withhold> <$10> applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule2>

      • Tranche with a maximum of <unspecified number of> allowed units:

        • <Withhold> <100%> applied to the <original> amount,applied to the <original> amount as category <Rule3>

A claim comes in for 13 bottles of medicine, for a benefits input amount of $25 each. The claim breaks down as follows:

  • For the first five bottles: $25 W1 and $100 C1.

  • For the next five bottles: $50 W2 and $75 C2.

  • For the last three bottles: $75 W3.

As a result the payer pays $175.

Scenario D1

The payer offers a BASIC product and an EXTRA product. The EXTRA product provides additional coverage for services that are not fully covered in the BASIC product.

To set up a scenario like this, the user has to set up two separate PRODUCTS; one that represents the BASIC plan and one that represents the EXTRA plan. Each PRODUCT has a priority field. The value of this field determines if the product’s benefits are applied before or after those of another product. In this scenario, the BASIC product has a higher priority than the EXTRA product, meaning that the coverage regime under the 'basic' benefit is always evaluated before the 'extra' benefit'.

The BASIC product covers 80% of the cost for of all doctor visits, up to a maximum of $500 per calendar year. For doctor visits, the EXTRA product covers an additional $200 per calendar year, still at 80% per visit. So in effect, persons that have both products are covered for 80% of each doctor visit, up to a total of $700 per calendar year.

The following labels are set up:

  • <Withhold> label <NO BASIC COVERAGE>

  • <Withhold> label <NO EXTRA COVERAGE>

  • <Cover> label <COVERED>

  • <Cover> label <REINSURED> reinsures the label <NO BASIC COVERAGE>

The following cover withhold category is set up:

  • Category <BASIC COVERAGE>

    • Cover label is <COVERED>

    • Withhold label is <NO BASIC COVERAGE>

  • Category <EXTRA COVERAGE>

    • Cover label is <REINSURED>

    • Withhold label is <NO EXTRA COVERAGE>

Two limits are set up:

  • Cover limit <Doctor yearly basic max> applies per <1> <calendar> <year>

  • Cover limit <Doctor yearly extra max> applies per <1> <calendar> <year>

The following cover rule is set up for doctor visits, in a coverage regime under the BASIC product:

  1. <Cover> <80%> of the <ORIGINAL> amount, applied to the <ORIGINAL> amount as category <BASIC COVERAGE>

    • Count towards <doctor yearly basic max> and <stop> at <$500>

The following cover rule is set up for doctor visits, in a overage regime under the EXTRA product:

  1. <Cover> <80%> as category <EXTRA COVERAGE>

    • Count towards <doctor yearly basic max> and <stop> at <$200>

Scenario D2

A payer sells both a BASIC and an EXTRA product. The EXTRA product provides additional coverage for services that are not fully covered in the BASIC product.

The BASIC product covers the 11th through the 20th physical therapy consult per calendar year. The first 10 physical therapy consults are not covered by the BASIC product. The EXTRA product covers the first 10 visits. In effect, a person with both products is covered up to 20 visits per year.

The following labels are set up:

  • <Withhold> label <NO BASIC COVERAGE>

  • <Withhold> label <NO EXTRA COVERAGE>

  • <Cover> label <COVERED>

  • <Cover> label <REINSURED> reinsures the label <NO BASIC COVERAGE>

The following cover withhold category is set up:

  • Category <BASIC COVERAGE>

    • Cover label is <COVERED>

    • Withhold label is <NO BASIC COVERAGE>

  • Category <EXTRA COVERAGE>

    • Cover label is <REINSURED>

    • Withhold label is <NO EXTRA COVERAGE>

The BASIC regime is set up as follows:

  • Regime renews per <calendar year>

    • Per <1> <calendar> <year>

      • Tranche for <10> allowed units:

        • <Withhold> <100%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <BASIC COVERAGE>

      • Tranche for <10> allowed units:

        • <Cover> <100%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <BASIC COVERAGE>

      • Tranche for an <unspecified number of> allowed units:

        • <Withhold> <100%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <BASIC COVERAGE>

The EXTRA regime is set up as follows:

  • Regime renews per <calendar year>

    • Per <1> <calendar> <year>

      • Tranche for <10> allowed units:

        • <Cover> <100%> as category <EXTRA COVERAGE>

      • Tranche for an <unspecified number of> allowed units:

        • <Withhold> <100%> as category <EXTRA COVERAGE>

Scenario D3

A payer sells both a BASIC and an EXTRA product. The EXTRA product provides additional coverage for services that are not fully covered in the BASIC product.

The BASIC product covers the following:

  • 80% of the benefits input amount for the first 10 visits per calendar year;

  • 50% of the benefits input amount for the next 10 visits that calendar year;

  • 20% of the benefits input amount for any subsequent visits that calendar year.

The EXTRA product covers the following:

  • The first 10 visits per calendar year are covered for an extra 5%

  • The next 10 visits that calendar year are covered for an extra 25%

  • Any subsequent visits that calendar year are covered for an extra 40%

The following labels are set up:

  • <Withhold> label <not covered A>

  • <Withhold> label <not covered B>

  • <Withhold> label <not covered C>

  • <Cover> label <covered amount>

  • <Cover> label <reinsurance A> reinsures label <not covered A>

  • <Cover> label <reinsurance B> reinsures label <not covered B>

  • <Cover> label <reinsurance C> reinsures label <not covered C>

The following categories are set up:

  • Category <Basic coverage A>

    • Cover label is <covered amount>

    • Withhold label is <not covered A>

  • Category <Basic coverage B>

    • Cover label is <covered amount>

    • Withhold label is <not covered B>

  • Category <Basic coverage C>

    • Cover label is <covered amount>

    • Withhold label is <not covered C>

  • Category <Extra coverage A>

    • Cover label is <reinsurance A>

    • Withhold label is <not covered A>

  • Category <Extra coverage B>

    • Cover label is <reinsurance B>

    • Withhold label is <not covered B>

  • Category <Extra coverage C>

    • Cover label is <reinsurance C>

    • Withhold label is <not covered C>

The BASIC regime is set up as follows:

  • Regime renews per <calendar year>

    • Period of <1> <year>

      • Tranche with a maximum of <10> allowed units:

        • <Cover> <80%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Basic coverage A>

      • Tranche with a maximum of <10> allowed units:

        • <Cover> <50%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Basic coverage B>

      • Tranche with a maximum of <10> allowed units:

        • <Cover> <20%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Basic coverage C>

The EXTRA regime is set up as follows:

  • Regime

    • Unspecified period

      • Unspecified tranche

        • <Cover> <25%> as category <extra coverage A>

        • <Cover> <50%> as category <extra coverage B>

        • <Cover> <50%> as category <extra coverage C>

Note that because the BASIC product assigns a different withhold label for each tranche, there is no need to setup tranches or limits in the EXTRA regime. Each cover withhold simply reinsures a tranche as set up by the BASIC regime and all three rules are evaluated.

Scenario D4

This example describes how to set up a regime that applies the following calculation, without using tranches:

  • For the first five visits every calendar year, apply a 20 USD Copayment.

  • For all subsequent visits in the same year, apply a 10 USD Copayment.

Because the limit tracks the visit count, instead of a coverage regime tranche, it is possible to parameterize the number of visits. For example, if another plan offers a 10 USD Copayment for the first six visits, it is possible to use the same coverage regime.

In this example, the number of visits is counted as units. The following limit is set up:

  • <cover> <unit> limit <first visits> applies per <1> <year> and renews per <calendar year>

The following coverage labels are set up:

  • <withhold> label <Copayment>

  • <withhold> label <exceeds visit limit>

  • <cover> label <covered>

The following categories are set up:

  • Category <visit limit>

    • Cover label is <covered>

    • Withhold label is <exceeds visit limit>

  • Category <Copayment>

    • Cover label is <covered>

    • Withhold label is <Copayment>

The following coverage regime is set up:

  • <Cover> <100%> of the <original> amount, applied to the <original> amount as category <Visit Limit>

  • <Withold> <20 USD> applied to <label> <covered> amount, amount as category <Copayment>

  • <Withold> <10 USD> applied to <label> <exceeds visit limits> amount, amount as category <Copayment>

The <first visits> limit connects to the <visit limit> category. For example, by Claim Line parameter or a Product Benefit Specification Limit:

  • Limit <first visits> counts towards category <visit limit> for <5> units and <stops> when it reaches the limit.

1. Note that if the allowed number of units is not specified, then the claimed number of units is taken