Record Definitions

A dynamic record definition is very much like a table definition; how many columns are there? what are the column names? what goes into a column? Each record field usage represents a column in the record. The content of the field can either be bound by a specific code set (for example, a procedure code) or can be free (for example, a date or a remark field).

A dynamic record definition defines what the records belonging to that definition should look like; in order to extend an entity with dynamic records a dynamic record usage must be configured. The configuration of dynamic record usages is described in Extending Tables; this chapter focuses on the record definition.

Dynamic records come in two flavours; dynamic records used to extend financial transactions, claims transactions and external claims data and dynamic records used to extend operational, configuration and reference data. The difference is that the first never validates column values against a domain or regular expression; the second does. Dynamic records on financial transactions, claim transactions and external claims data are meant to store a true copy of whatever information is provided and column value validation obstructs that goal.

On the other hand, dynamic records on operational data like claims and policies, and reference data (such as members and providers) do need to be validated. This chapter describes the definition of validated dynamic records. A validated dynamic record definition has the following attributes:

Field Description


The unique identifier of the dynamic record definition


The description visible in, for example, pull down menus

Reference Sheet?

Is the dynamic record definition to be used by a reference sheet?

Record Field Usages define the columns in a dynamic record. A record field usage has the following attributes:

Field Description


The unique column name (within the record) in the object model


Specifies the date type, length, decimals and other applicable validations

Code Definition

Specifies the domain of allowable values

Display Name

The column header for the field when the record is displayed in a table view


The default column position when the record displayed in table view


The key field of this record. A key field must have a unique value for all records. For time valid records, the key field must have a unique value at any point in time


The column must have a value


The field contains Personal Identifiable Information (PII)


Specifies the table that can be used as a pick list when inserting values through the UI.

A record field usage specifies either a field definition or a code definition. The code definition is either a single flex code definition or a flex code set. Only one of the record field usages under a record definition can represent the key value. If the usage represents the key value, it must specify a free field (and not a code definition).

It is allowed to add a mandatory record field usage or mark an existing record field usage as mandatory even when entries for this dynamic record definition exist in the extended table.


Such an update on the record field usage does not check if all entries of this dynamic record on all extended tables have a value for that field. However, the 'mandatory-check' will apply on these dynamic records when they are updated.

It is allowed to change the field definition of a record field usage. It is not allowed to change the flex code definition of a record field usage. However this is only allowed within the same datatype and only for enlarging the field.

From Field Definition To Field Definition Allowed?






No - only enlarging allowed






No - only enlarging allowedd



No - less decimals not allowed



No - only same datatype allowed


A field definition can refer to a validation dynamic logic function. Changing the field definition in a record field usage could therefore cause the system to validate the field in this dynamic record against a different logic. Existing values may invalidate because of this. The update of the field definition in the record field usage does not check the validity of existing values, however the validation will apply on these dynamic records when they are updated.


The system holds two dynamic field defintions of datatype DATE. The first one, DATE_ALL has no validation logic, the second one, DATE_1 has a validation logic that only allows the usage of the first day of a month. When you update a dynamic record definition with a record field usage of field definition DATE_ALL to field definiton DATE_1, the system does not check if all existing records hold a date that is the first day of the month. As soon as you create a new dynamic record of this definition or update an existing one, the validation will apply.