Draft Provider Pricing

The purpose of this page is to edit draft provider pricing clauses across worksheets, that is, not from within the context of a particular worksheet.

This text only explains the specifics of editing draft provider pricing clauses across worksheets. Note that there is a similar page that only allows working on draft provider pricing clauses from within the context of a worksheet. In the description of that page the overall functionality of draft provider pricing clauses is explained (refer to the text Draft Provider Pricing Clauses Worksheet).

Editing Across Worksheets

Editing across worksheets is desirable when the same draft provider pricing clause exists in many worksheets, differing per worksheet only in (example) the contract reference. In reality, this is the case for so called 'semi-global' draft provider pricing clauses: those that pertain to many contracts (implemented in worksheets) but not to all. In such cases, the semi-global draft provider pricing clause is created within each worksheet where it needs to be applied [1].

When a semi-global draft provider pricing clause needs to be changed, its instances need to be changed in many worksheets. This would be cumbersome to do in a UI page that only allows editing from within a particular worksheet. More easy would it then be to edit all instances of a semi-global draft provider pricing clause in one view, not confined to the context of a particular worksheet. That is exactly what this page provides.

Page Specifics

On this page the worksheet, the container of draft provider pricing clauses, is not displayed as the primary record. Rather, draft provider pricing clauses are displayed directly with the worksheet code being displayed as a field (column) of a draft provider pricing clause. A pricing configuration analyst can directly search on specifics of draft provider pricing clauses and be presented all matching draft provider pricing clauses across all worksheets.

Besides updating and deleting existing draft provider pricing clauses, new draft provider pricing clauses can also be created. Specifying the containing worksheet is mandatory for a new draft provider pricing clause. This must be a reference to an existing worksheet (which once saved can no longer be changed).

The field that displays the worksheet code features a click-able link that opens the concerned worksheet in the page for editing within worksheets.


The buttons displayed on the header of this page are a subset of the same buttons as available on the page for editing within worksheets:

  • Advanced Editing (button with menu)

    • Apply Option…​

    • Update Selected Rows…​

    • Copy Selected Rows

    • Delete Selected Rows

  • Validate Selected Rows

  • Build Selected Rows

  • Messages of Selected Rows (this button is specific for this page and shows the validation messages of all selected draft provider pricing clauses)

Buttons that operate on worksheet level are not available, e.g. "Validate Worksheet", "Build Worksheet". The button "Apply Template" is also not available as the use of a pricing template (versus a single option) is only relevant from within the context of a worksheet.

Apply Option

The "Apply Option" dialog, when opened from this page, includes an additional table where one or more worksheet codes must be entered. This is needed because a draft provider pricing clause must be generated into a worksheet and in this page the worksheet cannot be implicitly derived. Thus, the user must enter the code(s) of one or more existing worksheets.

To select an option for generation, it needs to be moved to the box with "Options to generate". All options moved to that box, and only those, will be generated into each of the entered worksheets. E.g. if the user moves 2 options to "Options to generate" and enters 10 worksheet codes, the 2 options will each be generated into each of the 10 worksheets; in total 20 times an option will be generated into a worksheet. Any specified parameters will be used for all 20 generations.

1. This in contrast with a global draft provider pricing clause that is created once (in one worksheet) without a reference to a specific provider, provider group or contract.