Reporting Views - Overview (Deprecated)

The reporting views in this section are deprecated. They are replaced with the base views described in Overview.

Reporting views allow a user to report over a limited set of data, without knowing the technical details of the Claims datamodel. There are 2 types of reporting views

  • Base views

  • Functional views

Base views are provided for each entity in the Claims data model. Functional views are provided for a select number of entities.

Base Views

Base views provide the following structural transformations.

Resolve Translation Tables

The Claims data model provides the ability to store multilingual descriptions for many entities. This for instance enables the user to store and show the description of a product in English and Spanish. The numeric data and the translatable data are stored in two different database tables. In the base views these two tables are joined and the description of a record is shown in one, default, language. This is depicted as (1) below

Resolve Dynamic Fields

The dynamic fields are resolved in the following way:

  • Single valued, non time valid, free fields are shown as columns in the view. This is depicted as (2) below.

  • Time valid free fields, multi valued free fields, dynamic records and flex code fields are made accessible by a providing a link to another view that contains the values. This is depicted as (3) below.

Reporting View Overview

Functional Views

Functional views provide the following features

  • resolution of translation tables. This is depicted as (1) below.

  • resolution of single valued free fields This is depicted as (2)

  • resolution of single valued code fields. This is depicted as (3)

  • resolution of first order lookups. For tables to which the base table refers using a numerical id a number of descriptive columns is shown in the reporting view. This is depicted as (4)

Reporting View Overview

Using the Reporting Views

The data in the reporting view can be accessed in a number of ways:

  • Using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

  • Using any SQL query tool

Reporting View Overview

Oracle Analytics Server

Oracle Analytic Server is an application to view or create content such as, augmented analysis, data visualisation, or reports. The BI Composer is a wizard within the application that creates analysis based on a query. The BI dashboards provide a work area to add analysis or prompts.

Reporting View Overview

SQL Query Tool

The operational reporting view can be direcly queried using direct SQL or using a SQL query tool. In such a query tool the views can be queried directly. In the example below SQL developer is shown.

Reporting View Overview

Usage Guidelines

The reporting views are by no means a substitute for a data warehouse. Querying the reporting views does put a load on the environment where the reporting views are situated. If the reporting views are situated on the production environment then querying the reporting view will put a load on the product environment. Using the reporting views to query large amounts of data could lead to a performance decline of other tasks running on the same server.


  • Do no not use the reporting views to report over large sets of data, containing more than 1000-2000 records

  • Do not use any non indexed columns as the selection criteria to select a data set. This translates to always use the reporting views to report over the claims or claim lines for 1 person or object, 1 provider, 1 procedure.


Base Reporting Views

The base reporting views are distinguished in 'confidential base reporting views' and 'non confidential base reporting views'. The 'confidential base reporting views' contain data or details of the following entities

  • claims

  • authorizations

The 'confidential base reporting views' do not implement the access restrictions that are defined by the user roles. This means that every database user who has access to the 'confidential base reporting views' has access to all claims and authorization data, that can be considered confidential.

The 'non confidential base reporting views' are all the base views that do not contain claim or authorization data or details thereof.

Functional Views

The functional views, that contain data related to claims and authorizations, are access restricted using the role of the user that accesses the views. This means that the user can only see the claims and authorization data that he/she can also see using the User Interface.

Database Roles

To limit the access to the reporting views to database users who are granted access to the reporting views, database roles are used:

  • ohi_confid_view_role

  • ohi_nonconfid_view_role

Retrieval Auditing

Retrieval auditing is not implemented in the reporting views. Retrieval auditing at the database level can be achieved by means of the standard Auditing database feature.

Functional Views

List of All Functional Views

The following functional views are provided. For a detailed description see the chapter on functional views.

Reporting view



Claim lines

Claim line coverages

Limit counter consumption


Product benefit specifications

Benefit specifications

Regimes, not including the details of regime such as tranches, periods and cover withhold rules.

Procedure groups, not including individual procedures

Diagnosis groups, not including individual diagnoses

Provider groups, not including organization providers or individual providers

Episode details

Claims lines not in any episodes